1) Get "Free" money from your job (Matching)
They all (Dave, Suzie, Motley) agree on this one.
2) Roth IRA if you qualify - more control than company plan, tax free, no mandatory distributions. Tap Roth IRA last in retirement to keep tax free growth going
I need to determine if I qualify.
Eligibility - Income limits
A taxpayer can only contribute the maximum amount liif their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below a certain level (the bottom of the range shown below). Otherwise, a phase-out of allowed contributions runs throughout the MAGI ranges shown below. Once MAGI hits the top of the range, no contribution is allowed at all. The ranges, for 2008, are:
- Single filers: Up to $101,000 (to qualify for a full contribution); $101,000-$116,000 (to be eligible for a partial contribution)
The Modified AGI for Roth IRA purposes is used to determine how much can be contributed to certain personal retirement programs. The starting point to determine MAGI is adjusted gross income (AGI), which is basically total income minus certain adjustments.
Certain adjustments allowed in arriving at AGI are then added back to arrive at modified adjusted gross income. Deductions from gross income allowed in arriving at AGI (above the line deductions). For the 2006 tax year, some examples of the deductions from gross income allowable in computing AGI include:
* Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials;
Health savings account deductions;
* Certain moving expenses;
* One-half of self-employment tax;
* Penalties on early withdrawal of savings;
* Alimony paid;
* Deduction for contribution to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA);
* Student Loan interest deduction.
Upward adjustments that modify AGI are generally made by disallowing deductions for passive activity losses, to include all rental losses, not allowing adjustments taken for tuition, fees, student loan interest paid, IRAs, nor the deduction for paying one-half of self-employment tax.
Deductible money placed in a 401(K) is allowed.
Additionally, MAGI is raised by including interest earned from U.S. Savings Bonds that were used for higher education expenses (which is usually excluded income for simple AGI purposes).