The Bubba Factor


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Consider this, Bubba (Bill Clintwoface)is meeting with political leaders of his era to make so called attempts to conquer some current problems of the third world...or is it an attempt to destroy economic power of the current economic powerhouses for a takeover.....takeover those houses and you can basically rule the world in your own viewpoint..a liberal utopia I suppose....(I guess everyone will have AIDS and work for food)......:?

Wife may become President of these United States (not with my vote), while Bubba collects powerin the United Nations......(in what manner is not known as of yet, but I don't think the current UN seat will be anything but a puppet as in the past...) Bubba and wife control world??? (Wife sets pace in White House only to steal everything under the roof when she leaves to furnish the newly established World House) :shock:

So what have we here????:shock:

Any views on this one......????:^
