Testing the waters on Thursday - 4/8/04

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hopetohititbig wrote:
Tom , thank you for the info that u supply. it really helps when deciding about a transfer of funds.
how did u find the history of the thursday before good friday.
the odds are in our favor tomorrow,
if the market is up tomorrow , in ur opinion, would the i fund theory be useful.
I subscribe to a lot of stock services. This particular data came from sentimentrader.com. I usually list the source of anything I put on the comments page in case you want to check them out.

I am less enthusiastic about the I fund strategy although that doesn't mean the I fund won't go up. It's just the legitimacy of the strategy seems to have weakened since we know a little more aboutthe timing of the foreign markets as they relate to the I fund.

By the way, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq futures (after hours trading) are up pretty nicely since the Yahoo! report.
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Ok i'm new to tsptalkand a 14 years long term investor in tsp but i'm going to give this a shot!

I have been vested 70%C, 20%S and 10%I since Mar03 but this Easter Bunny One Day HOP sound good to me and makessense.

So Thursday I'm hiding all in G for Monday and back inon Tuesday 70%C,20%S and 10%I

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First of all, this is a wonderful site full of information and hard work. But having said that.The fact that you have left your money alone for the past year in stock funds, during a bull market, probably means that you have outperformed most people on this board who gamble each day moving there money in and out. If I were you, I would leave my $ alone. It is only one day! Resist the temptation. I would just watch for 6 months or so to see how people (like TSP Talk) are returning on their money versus being diversified and holding like yourself. That is what I am doing. I can tell you from chasing returns myself the past year and one halfthat it typically doesn't work (short timing the market, that is) I believe in trends, etc., more for the long term. I also believe that there is a time (for a longer periord) to be out of the market, like the bear market of 2000-2002. Disregard everything I have mentioned if you LIKE to trade each day, worry about it and lose sleep at night, then become addicted toit. Just my opinion from observation of the past three months of all the in and outers. I hope that I have not offended anyone, just my observation.
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You make valid observations. Here's mine. For years, and I mean 2 decades in some cases, employees simply just had money deducted and had not a clue as to where it went and how it was invested. At least they are now accessing their account and looking at it. I took an interest last summer and started moving it as I wanted. Result was increases I won't mention but am very proud of. Of course funds were added, but not near what I made after moving to C, S and I. Overall, not a bad result! People need to know all about their future retirement funds. After all, in the next ten years thousands of baby boomers will retire.
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I moved this interesting discussion to TSP Strategies. It could go on a while and I didn't want to clutter up the Allocation Changes topic.
