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Kind of a blah, directionless day.That options chart shows today (Wednesday of options expiration week) as being such. If we follow that, Tuesday and Thursday are the big days. Tuesday proved to be so. If we are up Thursdaymorning I will certainly take some off the table for Friday.

The dollar is strong again today. I will probably move out of the I fund for Friday also.
imported post

tsptalk wrote:
The dollar is strong again today. I will probably move out of the I fund for Friday also.
:' I jumped the gun there. The dollar actually came down and ended the day weaker. That's better for anyone who was in the I fund today (Wednesday).
imported post

If the S has a 1% gain tomorrow, the F differential will be 313. Will you bail, too, Frizz, or wait for more in the 320-330 range?

I picked up another oil tanker stock today, major move on volume and 52-week high, NAT. heh, It could be VLCCF's little brother. Now if they would hold shareholder's meetings at their headquarters in Bermuda instead of London....icing on the cake...
imported post

If the S has a 1% gain tomorrow, the F differential will be 313. Will you bail, too, Frizz, or wait for more in the 320-330 range?


The S would need a 1.5% gain to reach 314, I do listen to what Tom has to offer and I believe his remark was, that the stocks seem to have a good day on thursday when something that is happening at this time, then Friday usually is a down day and he would be switching to the safe fund for Friday, please don't quote me, to much information, you know.

So if the stocks are doing real well tommorrow, I would be moving to the G fund for Friday, and then move back to the S fund for Monday, if the stocks have a bad day on Friday, to many ifs. :dude:I am also putting together another strategy for the FRO account. See you in the FRO:^
imported post

Another cricket day. Something has got to give. My gut (usually wrong) says up but the data says weakness. I got pretty noncommittal with my 70% stocks, 30% G.

I wonder how much that June 30th Iraq date is keeping investors on the sidelines. :%
imported post

I dont know nothing but I have a sentiment :sthat

friday june 18,I see big down.

1- option expiration

2-I see whenS is flat like today then NEXT DAY go big TIME down.

May I'm bigtime wrong,but that what my # says...:s
imported post

We should see some volatility today as it is triple witching (options and futures expiring today).
imported post

what about september and october,

Those month are the worse over 100 years

What about being in the game or pulled out those

bads month,or just a little caution !
imported post

puertorico wrote:
what about september and october,

Those month are the worse over 100 years

What about being in the game or pulled out those

bads month,or just a little caution !
I will find the chart later but I thought October wasn't too bad. It just gets a bad wrap because of the crashes :shock:. September is a bad one for sure.

Here it is ...

Chart courtesy of [url]www.sentimentrader.com[/url]