Tally for Sep 06


Staff member
TSP Timing Newsletter (RevShark) return through 9/08/06:

September: -0.49%
Since Feb 1 inception: +7.16%
Fundsurfer and Show-me continue to dominate the YTD tally.

The Wizard of Oz has taken over the lead in the partial year returns.

Biggdog1, pogo, and sammyj were dropped from the tracker for inactivity.

Finally, BigDog was added to the partial year tracker.
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TSP Timing Newsletter (RevShark) return through 9/15/06:

September: +0.35%
Since Feb 1 inception: +8.06%
Sep 2006, week 2.

Sounds like a broken record, but Fundsurfer continues to dominate the tally with a YTD 16.3% return. Congrats, amazing performance! :nuts: The average YTD performance for all TSPers is 6.9%

In the partial year returns, Pointman72 has regained the lead with a 14.93% return. Also very impressive!

Beware, the following is a passive allocation advertisement. :D

Among passive allocations (zero moves), the Total Global Market allocation (39% C Fund, 11% S Fund, and 50% I Fund) is poised to break into the top 10 with a 9.78% return. The Total Global Market allocation is designed to represent the world's total market capitalization which is roughly 50% U.S. stocks and 50% foreign stocks. This is the allocation for someone who believes in efficient markets and wants 100% stock exposure.

Finally, Fuzzduzz and Hedgehog were dropped from the Tracker for inactivity.
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Week 2 Update.

The attached tally includes the number of moves thru Sep 15th. In addition, Wheels has self identified as a single fund trader. Therefore, I've changed his designation on the tally.
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TSP Timing Newsletter (RevShark) return through 9/22/06:

September: +0.87%
Since Feb 1 inception: +8.63%
Tally for week 3.

Fundsurfer is widening the gap with Show-me (16.63% to 15.65%).

Wizard of Oz continues to lead in the partial year returns (14.32%).

S&S continue their dominance in the Feb to date returns (16.07%).

Namor returns, and a big welcome to AIF and Gaetaone.:cheesy:
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                      September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
G-fund                     0.35%   1.22%     2.54%     4.79%    3.62%
F-fund                     0.82%   3.73%     3.63%     3.65%    3.08%
C-fund                     2.58%   5.59%     4.14%    10.47%    8.30%
S-fund                     0.88%   0.24%    -3.31%     9.00%    6.25%
I-fund                     0.15%   3.89%     4.85%    18.23%   14.06%
20% Each                   0.96%   2.93%     2.37%     9.23%    7.06%

Top 10 Year to Date   September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
Fundsurfer                 2.86%   3.96%     9.32%   #N/A      16.83%
Show-me                    1.88%   9.87%    10.09%    21.41%   15.82%
Griffin                    2.75%   9.14%     9.41%   #N/A      15.38%
Wheels                     0.76%   1.22%     6.12%   #N/A      13.62%
Beavis                     1.91%   6.01%     5.92%    17.57%   12.34%
Georgiagal                 1.92%   4.55%     3.57%    15.72%   11.03%
nightlite                  1.61%   3.82%     4.61%   #N/A      11.01%
Faustus                    0.35%   1.22%     8.62%    14.44%   10.64%
Mayday                     3.10%   6.84%     4.57%   #N/A       9.80%
Aslan                      0.93%   3.00%     1.88%    12.83%    9.68%

Top 10 Last 12 months September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
Show-me                    1.88%   9.87%    10.09%    21.41%   15.82%
Beavis                     1.91%   6.01%     5.92%    17.57%   12.34%
Georgiagal                 1.92%   4.55%     3.57%    15.72%   11.03%
Faustus                    0.35%   1.22%     8.62%    14.44%   10.64%
ATCJeff                    0.67%   2.85%     3.31%    14.10%    8.99%
Aslan                      0.93%   3.00%     1.88%    12.83%    9.68%
Grandma (ret)              1.15%   3.28%     3.07%    12.47%    7.18%
Jovarn                     0.35%   1.78%     1.73%    12.26%    7.43%
Neirbod                    1.53%   3.74%     1.82%    11.94%    7.35%
Pyriel                     1.99%   6.96%     4.45%    11.57%    8.65%

Top 10 Last 6 months  September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
Pointman72                 0.88%   4.25%    13.87%   #N/A     #N/A
Wizard of OZ               0.52%  -1.96%    12.49%   #N/A     #N/A
Sugarandspice              1.82%   4.64%    10.88%   #N/A     #N/A
Show-me                    1.88%   9.87%    10.09%    21.41%   15.82%
Griffin                    2.75%   9.14%     9.41%   #N/A      15.38%
Fundsurfer                 2.86%   3.96%     9.32%   #N/A      16.83%
Faustus                    0.35%   1.22%     8.62%    14.44%   10.64%
Draggen3                   0.92%   6.71%     8.04%   #N/A       9.00%
Fivetears                  1.77%   6.31%     7.63%   #N/A     #N/A
Wheels                     0.76%   1.22%     6.12%   #N/A      13.62%

Top 10 Last 3 months  September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
Show-me                    1.88%   9.87%    10.09%    21.41%   15.82%
Griffin                    2.75%   9.14%     9.41%   #N/A      15.38%
Pyriel                     1.99%   6.96%     4.45%    11.57%    8.65%
ebbnflow                   2.70%   6.85%   #N/A      #N/A     #N/A
Mayday                     3.10%   6.84%     4.57%   #N/A       9.80%
Draggen3                   0.92%   6.71%     8.04%   #N/A       9.00%
Fivetears                  1.77%   6.31%     7.63%   #N/A     #N/A
Beavis                     1.91%   6.01%     5.92%    17.57%   12.34%
Birchtree                  2.58%   5.59%     4.14%    10.47%    8.30%
Ocean                      1.52%   5.48%   #N/A      #N/A     #N/A

Top 10 for September  September Last Qtr Last 6 mon Last 12 mo   YTD
Mayday                     3.10%   6.84%     4.57%   #N/A       9.80%
Low Ki                     2.90%   2.39%     0.98%   #N/A     #N/A
Fundsurfer                 2.86%   3.96%     9.32%   #N/A      16.83%
Griffin                    2.75%   9.14%     9.41%   #N/A      15.38%
ebbnflow                   2.70%   6.85%   #N/A      #N/A     #N/A
Qibovin                    2.63%   4.67%     2.73%   #N/A     #N/A
Birchtree                  2.58%   5.59%     4.14%    10.47%    8.30%
Smine                      2.28%   2.55%     3.94%     6.94%    3.39%
CyberSamurai               2.27%  #N/A     #N/A      #N/A     #N/A
Towanda                    2.21%   5.23%   #N/A      #N/A     #N/A

Thanks to EWGuy for making this possible. He enters all the data from everyone's account. If you see an error, let us know. The best way to check is by looking at the weekly tracker. It is easy to miss place a number.

About this table. The totals on this table have had the affect of compounding removed so that we can compare apples to apples. Otherwise someone who started in January would have compounding effects which would be an advantage over someone who started this month. If you don't see your data on the table above, download the complete sheet.

Also to have data, you have to begun prior to the first work day in September. If you have an N/A, you are being tracked and should show up next month.
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Way to go Mayday, Low Ki, and Fundsurfer! It was a close race this month. I'll PM you to get your shipping info for the prizes.

Attached are the tallies through the end of Sep 2006.

Ed, Slappy, Taxman were removed for inactivity. Fanta, weatherweenie, and Traffic Dog were added.

Fundsurfer and Pointman72 lead their respective return categories - boy, that's a surprise!:cheesy:
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I just got a question that went something like this....

Why does the tracker have my yearly total as 12% and the Tally for September shows my total as 11.4%.

Answer: Both numbers are correct. The numbers for the Tally have had the effects of compounding removed. This way we are comparing apples to apples. Perhaps I should keep the effects of compounding in the YTD numbers since everyone's total is from the beginnig of the year. I've not changed it just for consistancy. Also Rokid publishes those numbers anyway.

Oh yeah, THANKS! Tom for the mug.
Thanks for the tracking, guys, and thanks Tom for the pen. :)

Also, EWGuy---many thanks for helping consolidate my spreadsheets into the new tracker.
Thanks for the mug Tom. The recognition is appreciated. I'll try to live up to the honor you have bestowed. Mayday
Sorry, no tally for the first week in Oct. I'll be at the beach with no computer. :cheesy: See you next week.
Enjoy your weekend rokid!

TSP Timing Newsletter (RevShark) return through 10/06/06:

October: +0.45%
Since Feb 1 inception: +9.65%
Here is a much abrieviated version of the table Rokid post. I didn't separate like he usually does cause it would have taken me more time than I was willing to put into it.

Fundsurfer         18.08%
Show-me            17.05%
Pointman72         16.86%
sugarandspice      16.56%
Griffin            15.93%
I-fund             15.29%
Ocean              14.66%
Wizard of Oz       14.61%
Wheels             14.41%
Fivetears          13.50%
Beavis             12.92%
Georgiagal         12.43%
nightlite          11.99%
ebbnflow           11.96%
Faustus            11.21%
Aslan              10.96%
Tspgo-high-risk    10.91%
Mayday             10.09%
Dave M              9.95%
TICKed              9.93%
Birchtree           9.67%
C-fund              9.67%
Aggie76             9.60%
Pill                9.52%
USMC6056            9.43%
andy                9.40%
Draggen3            9.40%
ATCJeff             9.26%
Terptrader          9.23%
Nnuut               8.93%
TSP_Elvis           8.49%
RichC10             8.41%
Cheapshot           8.38%
genod               8.36%
Pyriel              8.24%
Rokid               8.16%
mama kins           8.09%
20% Each            7.84%
Grandma (Ret)       7.71%
Jovarn              7.60%
Neirbod             7.57%
S-fund              7.44%
MadDog              7.41%
James48843          7.26%
Spaf (Ret)          6.29%
Master              6.28%
Cortez              5.97%
Sonny               5.58%
ayla                5.32%
Safetyguy           5.22%
Brett               5.21%
ChemEng             5.07%
Technician          4.33%
Low Ki              4.02%
CountryBoy          3.98%
mlk_man             3.90%
Cowboy              3.83%
G-fund              3.76%
Breyer              3.72%
Qibovin             3.60%
Smine               3.56%
vvatc4ever          3.52%
ChongoChingi        3.32%
GordonGecko         3.10%
Gilligan            3.08%
CyberSamurai        3.03%
F-fund              2.91%
AIF                 2.75%
Skip                2.75%
Gritz               2.72%
Retire              2.71%
TSPgo               2.59%
Fireant             2.58%
BigDog              2.43%
Ed the Fed          2.13%
davtrader           1.78%
Chaser              1.72%
Truehonest          1.48%
Gaetaone            1.38%
Phlames             1.11%
Ghageman            1.10%
pezfallout          1.05%
mailmanusa          1.04%
ckb21401            0.70%
gunsmokex           0.60%
weatherweenie       0.53%
Towanda             0.47%
CopterDoc           0.30%
Namor               0.27%
Fanta               0.09%
Sunkissedbeach      0.00%
Swamp Dog           0.00%
VirginiaBob         0.00%
Traffic Dog        -0.28%
marco59            -0.48%
cyberbo            -0.94%
Thunder5           -2.65%
Russell            -4.24%
Rod                -4.34%