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Could you please post the symbol for the EAFE? I can not find it and can not track the I fund. Probably be helpful to others if all symbols for all the tracking indexes were posted. Thanks :)
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I put the EAFE quote on all of the TSPtalk pages but that has a 20 minute delay. You can also use Yahoo's finance quotes. Here's the S&P 500, Wilshire 4500 and EAFE. Just cut and paste it into your browser (I'm not sure whythis hyperlink isn't working)...^gspc+^emw+^efv

The S&P 500 (^gspc) is in realtime. The Wilshire 4500 (^emw) and EAFE (^efv) are delayed quotes.

The EAFE quote does not always reflect what the I fund shares will do during the day. We haven't found a good intraday quote that follows this yet.:(
