strong dollar

The I fund did NOT account for the dollars gains, late in the day, on Jan 12. It appears that the I fund should have lost about 1% if the TSP police had "adjusted" the value for the dollars gain over the yen and euro. So, if the international markets are down today and/or the dollar continues to gain ground over the yen and euro, we could see the I fund lose a lot. Can anyone verify what Im saying or see where Im coming from?
Ayla, Teknobucks posted that link on June 30, 2005..........

Soldat, I'm with ya. I think it may be because of the times of day that TSP takes their "measurements". SOme of us have different theories in that regard but I'm thinking it's either 11am to 11am or noon to noon. Someone mentioned perhaps 2pm to 2pm. Anyway, yes I expect the I fund to drop big today. If someone was trying to time the I fund, they probably would of jumped into the I fund yesterday. I even considered it. Most likely this is why they do the things they do...............and why I hate it so much.