Spousal TSP benefits


New member
My husband passed away in 2001 and I have enjoyed the benefits of the TSP managment til recently when social security notified TSP of his passing (probably because I had recently turned 59.5).

This morning I noted online that TSP plans to extend spousal participation in TSP. But Congress has to vote their approval. So I am waiting for a surpervisor to get back with me on allowing this account to stay til TSP has Congress's vote. I have not had access to the account for a couple of months (thank you God for being in G all this time).

I don't need access to the cash. I do appreciate TSP for allowing TSP service these past 7 years. They are now insisting on transfer of assets out of TSP even in light of their desire to continue benefits of TSP management of surviving spouses. It has worked for me and them for 7 years, why not wait for the vote in Congress to allow continued management? I am awaiting a call from management in the next 48 hours. marga
The only reason you continued to receive payments is because TSP wasn't notified of you husband's death. The account was your husbands, not yours, or a joint account. If SSA notified TSP of his death and if you are beneficiary, you can transfer it into your own IRA and can set up payments from there if you want to continue receiving payments per month.