Snarg's Account Talk


New member
Not to much to say. I just got my PIN today. Logged on to for the first time. I saw it started 100% G. Since I am starting pretty late in the game, I want to go aggressive for at least the first two years. So, moved to 100% I. Now the big question is, do I have the guts to stay there?

Who am I kidding? Probably not. I'm quite certain I'll split it up at a later date. I'm such a chicken.

Please post an entry in your "Snarg Account" thread. In order for TSPTalk to continue tracking your performance in our Weekly Tracker, you must post your fund allocation at least every three months. Just post something like, "I'am still 100% I". This is a new rule we have started at TSPTalk (See Sticky at top of forum). I am the person maintaining the Weekly Tracker that’s why I am contacting you.

If we do not hear from you by July 21 2006, I will delete your worksheet from the TSPTalk Weekly Tracker.