Six years to retirement


New member
After the market correction I reallocated; 70 percent in L2030 and 30 percent in L2020. Not sure of the 2020 move and I am a little concerned that the 2030 has an allocation to include 21 percent International and 9 small cap. Thoughts?
After the market correction I reallocated; 70 percent in L2030 and 30 percent in L2020. Not sure of the 2020 move and I am a little concerned that the 2030 has an allocation to include 21 percent International and 9 small cap. Thoughts?

‘Most’ of the subscribers here don’t use L funds. Why not choose your own %’s? Then you won’t have to second guess the L funds. Or split between L funds.

L funds are better than keeping all your funds in G, for sure. But again, I don’t think any of those people are on TSPTalk.

And if you insist on L funds, my suggestion is to use the farthest out version. Are you really planning to go to all G (or even all L Income) when you retire? That’s a sure way to use up all your TSP before passing away. My Opinion.