Silverbird's Account Talk


Well-known member
Although the current market has me rather confused, I do like to comment every once in a while (:nuts:) or (:worried:) or (:rolleyes:) since I have a dry sense of humor, so I thought I'd stop riding other people's threads and start one.

I expect to change my contributions today; which are currently 45% G 55% F, since F seems to be heading in the wrong direction.

Still ruminating on whether to buy some C or S. May just go Contribution all C, since I'm paying back a couple loans so my biweekly isn't just the 5% for matching, and you can change your contributions anytime. Only has a negligible affect, but would put my toe in the equities water...
Herd Instinct?

Took my lumps and switched to 100% G today. :( Cost me a bundle. Oh well.

I think the lows on the S&P will have to be re-tested before I jump back in. After last Friday, I thought the market might trend back up for a week.:blink:
Herd Instinct?

Took my lumps and switched to 100% G today. :( Cost me a bundle. Oh well.

I think the lows on the S&P will have to be re-tested before I jump back in. After last Friday, I thought the market might trend back up for a week.:blink:
welcome the the machine ,if i jump and follow herd i loose even more and if i stay i am in line of fire , i will have to duck on this one as much as it hurts i have to try to ride the storm out G L Gumby
"If I buy F it may be trouble / if I don't I may lose double. Should I buy or should I sell?" (with apologies to The Clash)

Still 100% G with new contributions in C (maybe I can buy cheap?).:confused: One IFT so far for February, trying to hold the second IFT as long as possible to keep under the radar.

I"m predicting in advance another big IFT day on Friday, February 29, as TSP Participants do their second transfer for the month! Let's make it a bigger IFT day than the record one the week before February 6! It's the end of the month scrimmage! "Tom Trabucco, tells FederalNewsRadio that 40,000 people requested interfund transfers in just one day. [during the week before February 6]" See for more information on the End of January record. (Thanks Anidoc for posting).
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Where's TSP50? I guess finding the form you need to send to TSP if they decide you have to send in your IFT's via snailmail is the TSP version of Where's Waldo? The whole situation reminds me of a scene in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with the Vogons telling Earth they should have known their planet was in the way of a super galactic highway:

"There's no point in acting all surprised about it. All the planning
charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning
department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you've
had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaints and it's far too late
to start making a fuss about it now."

"What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh for heaven's
sake mankind, it's only four light years away you know. I'm sorry but
if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that's
your look out."

Energize demolition beams.
"God! I don't know, apathetic bloody planet - I've no sympathy at all..."
-- Vogon (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

PS I have not gotten a letter. I just like to find ways around bureaucratic Maginot lines, as this has been part of my job for years. This appears to be impassible so far, unfortunately.
Switching my contributions as much as I want since there aren't any
restrictions on contribution allocations. Still trying to buy when it's cheep, without using up any IFTs since it's still mid-month.

Confirmation Allocation 2/6: 100% C
Confirmation Allocation 2/13: 100% S
May change to 50% C 50% S new allocations on Friday because I'm expecting people to take profits and the price on CS to drop. Not sure yet.

Not sure if this is a good long term strategy but not doing anything even when it appears to be the smart thing in the IFT department is beginning to get to me.:suspicious:
[No change to IFTS, still 100% G.]
Hrmm. Looks like Berneke got the markets upset already. Contribution Allocation changed to 50% C, 50% S, end of day today, time to buy (I hope).
Ok, something to blame on China, another hazardous product coming out of their horrible Quality Control program. A not so happy Pokemon Valentine day present - comes complete with metal shards. Pokemons are supposed to have some nasty attacks, but they aren't supposed to rebound on the user.
Ok here I go with this attempt to do something within these IFT restrictions again.

Contribution allocations changed to: 25%F, 20%C, 30%S, 25%I
IFT still 100% G
The fears over the municipal-bond market in America look overdone. For the moment, the government should resist the urge to intervene

Well put my friend. The government's attempt to correct a situation will often make it even worse. The MEDIA in general, by actively striving for the biggest headline, usually does the worst damage of all by bombarding us with terrible news of economic disaster. It would be so much better if everyone could stick to the same story and acknowledge "As we have undoubtedly known by 8/07 - the housing situation would get progressively worse over the next year. We have known this inevitable course for quite some time and therefore THE HEADLINES should not fill us with fear. This is an adjustment period that has to happen and there is no way to avoid it. The good news is that we are increasingly closer to the end and will do everything possible to make our economy even stronger. THE OVERWHELMING BOTTOM LINE NEWS SHOULD BE THAT THE ECONOMY "IN GENERAL IS STRONG" AND WILL PREVAIL OVER TIME.

But all we can do is sit back and watch the show. Anyway, I appreciate your input Silverbird - and all the more your song
Voice over: "Hello! want to buy some nice financial stocks! Sure win!"
Answer: "You gotta know when to walk away, know when to run."

Voice over: "Hello! Big Tax break investment! Real Estate"
Answer: "We won't get fooled again! oh no!"

Voice over: "Hello! Wanna buy Bonds? Safe investment!"
Answer: "And the Rock cried out, there is no safety here."

Voice over: "How the h666 did we get into this mess?"
Answer: "It's the lure of easy money, it has a very strong appeal."

Times like this is why we have regulations. I've got broom in hand, time to clean up the town, Marshall.
Expecting the usual reaction to Berneke - Market want a buyout and they are not going to get it. Euro is strengthening against the $, more mortgages coming to refi in March and April. And it's near the end of the month. 2 a month, right? :notrust:
G 70%
F 20%
I 10%
By end of day today
New contributions still F25%, C20%, S30%, I 25% hoping to catch some bargain buys.
Looks like C and S is taking I on a skiiing in downhill.

G 75%
F 25%
And there goes one of my IFTs already.

New contributions still F25%, C20%, S30%, I 25% hoping to catch some bargain buys.
:nuts: Hey, can't even buy cheap pizza and a beer!

Pizza and beer now cost an arm and a leg
Pizza makers have seen their cheese costs soar this year from $1.30 a pound to $1.76 a pound. Even worse, the flour used to make the dough has gone from $3-$7 dollars a bushel to $25 a bushel in less than a year.

Beer makers have been forced to raise their prices because of the skyrocketing price of hops – one of the principle ingredients. The price of hops has gone from about $4 a pound in September to $40 a pound. The price of barley, beer’s other main ingredient, has nearly doubled....
:nuts: Hey, can't even buy cheap pizza and a beer!

Pizza and beer now cost an arm and a leg
Pizza makers have seen their cheese costs soar this year from $1.30 a pound to $1.76 a pound. Even worse, the flour used to make the dough has gone from $3-$7 dollars a bushel to $25 a bushel in less than a year.

Beer makers have been forced to raise their prices because of the skyrocketing price of hops – one of the principle ingredients. The price of hops has gone from about $4 a pound in September to $40 a pound. The price of barley, beer’s other main ingredient, has nearly doubled....

And I'm sticking to my prediction of oil > $125 before year can we possibly have a recovery with these fundamentals in the crapper!
Whoa, looks like the investors digested all of the news at around 11:00AM. Water Cooler Investor, "So what do you think, Joe? You think these new grand spanking Fed rates will get us out of this mess?" Joe, ", question is how long we can ride this little hill....[looks at computer screen]. Nope, forget it, that's just a bump. [clicking on the computer keys] Outta here."

Next cubicle over: 9:00 AM Jane Investor bites into her Krispy Kreme, "Darn, look at that stock market go up!" Drops her donut. "-&)*(()" [clacking of computer keys]. 11:00 sips coffee, "Darn, it got cold." Looks at the computer screen. "Arrgh! Ooops!" [coffee spills all over, clacking of computer keys]. Jane Investor then joins the line of fellow coffee stained analysts at Dunkin' Donuts.