Should I get a Roth?


New member
Well I have been investing in the TSP for 3.5 years now and I have put most of it in G, F, and International funds. Recently I have moved everything to to the L2040 because I am just not sure of myself yet or confident enough to move things around all the time. I am learning, and maybe soon I will be confident to do these things.

My question is, I have been hearing and reading everywhere that a Roth IRA is what I need to be doing. Right now I am doing 8% of my pay into the TSP. If I get a Roth, I would definatly lower that to 3 or 4 and try to put more into the ROTH. What do you guys/gals think? Is a Roth a better option for me right now?
If it were me I would go with the Roth. Your taxes are probably very low right now so why put tax deferred money away so you can pay taxes on it and the earnings when you retire.

I see you are in a combat zone from another thread so you can really stick it to the tax man. You pay no taxes on your earning put it in a Roth and you pay no taxes on it or the earnings when you retire. Double the fun! Something to look into.
we need the roth inside of the TSP. I urge you to call you congressman so that maybe we can push the TSP Board and moving ahead.