Share Prices


Well-known member
Does anyone have the share prices for the week of August 28, 2000 and the week of September 30, 2002? All I need are the F fund and C Fund share price. I can't find my statements from back then. Hmmm

F fund: 8/28=10.87,8/29=10.88, 8/30=10.89, 8/31=10.91, 9/1=10.92
C fund: 8/28=14.30, 8/29=14.33,8/30=14.34, 8/31=14.33, 9/1=14.41
F fund: 9/29=11.00, 10/2=11.02, 10/3=11.02, 10/4=11.05,10/5=11.03
C fund: 9/29=14.70, 10/2=14.66, 10/3=14.69, 10/4=14.87, 10/5=14.90

If this is not what you need call back.
Does anyone have the share prices for the week of August 28, 2000 and the week of September 30, 2002? All I need are the F fund and C Fund share price. I can't find my statements from back then. Hmmm


Jeff you can go to the official TSP web site and look up history on share prices any date.
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