Share prices blocked


Active member
My share price icon is blocked by the search space window...I can't click on it. Is this problem on my end or yours...I noticed the pages look different than usual from update? Thanks
My share price icon is blocked by the search space window...I can't click on it. Is this problem on my end or yours...I noticed the pages look different than usual from update? Thanks

I just clicked on the "Share Prices" selection across the top and it took me to that field. It has not updated for 6/1 however.
The "share price" selection across the top is blocked by an overextended "search" selection space. Physically cannot click on the "share price"...the "search" space overlaps/covers up the "share price" selection...only Sh is visible
We just have more menu items. If you widen your window you should see it. If you're on a mobile device, I'm not sure.

I'll have to play with to see if it can be altered - may to 2 rows.

Thanks for reporting it.
If I am NOT logged in I can see the Top 20, if I login it's gone and can't find a way to show it.:confused:
If I am NOT logged in I can see the Top 20, if I login it's gone and can't find a way to show it.:confused:
Found it, go to Quick Links at top of page right and select Enable Top Stats! That was easy!!:D
OK, I've added a drop down menu called "More" so that there are fewer menu options in the horizontal menu above. Hope that helps.