Server Problems


Staff member
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I apologize for the posting problems. I have the techs working on it.

For now, do yourself a favor. When you type in a post, do a "Select All" / "copy" before you hit send. If the screen times out on you, you can just paste it into a new post.

Thanks for your patience!
imported post

Hey Tom:

Thanks once again for all your efforts and hard work...the board is working great this morning. I think part of the problem yesterday was caused by all the "bad vibes" from all the bashing and arguments going on.......Come on guys, let's show Tom our appreciation by engaging in mature, intelligent dialog .......Our goal here is to make more money, not flood the board with petty comments just because we happen to disagree on some issues !

Best to all !
imported post

Dogdaddy wrote:
Our goal here is to make more money, not flood the board with petty comments just because we happen to disagree on some issues !
You got it Dog! Thanks.
imported post

Dogdaddy wrote:
Hey Tom:

Thanks once again for all your efforts and hard work...the board is working great this morning. I think part of the problem yesterday was caused by all the "bad vibes" from all the bashing and arguments going on.......Come on guys, let's show Tom our appreciation by engaging in mature, intelligent dialog .......Our goal here is to make more money, not flood the board with petty comments just because we happen to disagree on some issues !

Best to all !
Good advice, but wait till you get attacked. Easy to sit back and watch when it's not happening to you.

Once in awhile you have to stand up for what's right and what's not.

Good luck,

imported post

Rod wrote:
So far... seems to be working fine, Tom.


Thank you for all your hard work Tom.

Enjoyed your commentary.

Your continued improvements are great.