Scottrade lowered rates.


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[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]Oh Rolo! Grow up. $0 beats $7. ;)[/size][/font]
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Question: in calculating capital gains / losses on trades, do we include commissions in that or not?

Free trading? Hmmm. What do they charge on mutual funds? Scottrade has a bunch of NTF's, and those that aren't cost $17 per transaction.
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Mike wrote:
Question: in calculating capital gains / losses on trades, do we include commissions in that or not?

Free trading? Hmmm. What do they charge on mutual funds? Scottrade has a bunch of NTF's, and those that aren't cost $17 per transaction.
Sounds like we never traded, did we? ;) Yes, we include them in our Schedule D.
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I haven't seen that freetrade stuff. Is it a farse?

Mike, yes, comissions are part of the cost-basis.

Scottrade doesn't charge anything for mutual funds, other than the $17 for not holding them for ninety days minimum.

It doesn't pay to trade in and out of mutual funds rapidly anyway.
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For Freetrade you have to meet the qualifications, all electronic, no phone contact that I noticed. I don't know??
Think I will stay with my broker. At least I can call their area office if I have a problem?

Rgds Spaf
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WhOoaa! That is COOooL! That really opens the door to play-trading--I mean--day-trading.