Scary Buy and Hold Stories...


Staff member

I wouldn't call this a scary "Buy & Hold" story but it's my story.

I have to admit I have pretty much been a buy and hold kind of guy. Over the last 14 years I have used IFT's to move around but by and large I have been in the "S" fund most of the time. I started this year in the "S" fund but thought I saw something in the "C & I" funds near the end of January. So I jumped in. What I thought would happen didn't happen. :banghead: I'm back to 100% "S" fund. So the "S" fund is currently at 10.25% and I'm at 6.74%. Oh! Well! I honestly can't complain because I really haven't done to bad. Over the last 14 years I had a high point of 37.08% and a low point of 12.82% with an average of 12.54%. I can only hope I can be this lucky over the next few years. For everyone that adds their insight to the market in these threads. THANK YOU!! And good luck to everyone.
Well, you can see from my AT history that I don't IFT as much as many on this site, but I am definitely not a set it and forget it type of guy.

My story: I am conservative and was in the G Fund until 2000. I was told I needed stock exposure if I wanted enough for retirement so I let the Y2K scare blow over and went into the C Fund in May 2000. That was the only stock fund we had back then. Of course the dot com bubble burst and my TSP retirement along with it. I was told to buy and hold -- dollar cost averaging would take care of me. Well, I hadn't quite gotten back to where I was when the 2008 crash took me down again. By 2010 they called that the lost decade because you didn't make any money over those 10 years by buy and holding. :mad: That was me. That is why I'm here -- ten years behind in my retirement. You can see from my sig line that I am eligible to retire in 2022. I can tell you right now that won't be happening. I still have too many lost years to make up for. I may not IFT much but I definitely don't let it ride for 10 years any more. It's like the buzzard said: "patience nothing -- I'm going to go out and kill something."