OK, maybe I'm nuts but I could have sworn that I read several months ago (but cannot seem to find the answer now) that in order to have your TSP rolled over into another qualified
IRA after retirement, that the account has to be *seasoned* meaning the account needed to be open for three years prior to your request in order for TSP to roll it over. Any of you out there that ran into this or was I
just hallucinating or having a bad dream. I can't seem to find the answer on the TSP site now. Doesn't seem right but I need to know. If I already had an active account outside of TSP I wouldn't worry about it but.. I'm looking
at heading to the barn in a year and a half and would rather rollover to a better plan with much better withdrawal options and flexibility. Yeah yeah yeah, I know all bout the expenses or not..yada yada yada.. Any of you retired folks out there ever heard of this???
IRA after retirement, that the account has to be *seasoned* meaning the account needed to be open for three years prior to your request in order for TSP to roll it over. Any of you out there that ran into this or was I
just hallucinating or having a bad dream. I can't seem to find the answer on the TSP site now. Doesn't seem right but I need to know. If I already had an active account outside of TSP I wouldn't worry about it but.. I'm looking
at heading to the barn in a year and a half and would rather rollover to a better plan with much better withdrawal options and flexibility. Yeah yeah yeah, I know all bout the expenses or not..yada yada yada.. Any of you retired folks out there ever heard of this???