RevShark on FOX Business Happy Hour Friday at 5 pm ET.

I may be too late, but I just sent Rev a note asking if he had the nerve to bring up the TSP limiting our ability to manage our money. That will spark an interesting converstaion.

He is big on the small guy taking advantage of its flexibility compared to the whales of wall street and how the large institutions would rather you buy, hold, and disappear.
RevShark will be discussing investing resolutions that individual investors might consider in 2008. Rev will be joining Cody Willard on Fox Business Happy Hour at 5 pm ET Friday.

That's not a widely available channel - Fox Business News, but thought I'd let you know.

You can find it on Directv.


Staff member
RevShark will be discussing investing resolutions that individual investors might consider in 2008. Rev will be joining Cody Willard on Fox Business Happy Hour at 5 pm ET Friday.

That's not a widely available channel - Fox Business News, but thought I'd let you know.