Retirement is threatened to CSRS

Isn't there something we can do to stop this downgrading of Gov't Employee benefits? CROOKS!!:nuts:
Did I vote for this guy, NO!:nuts:
May have to retire earlier than planned. I do hope (if this thing is acted upon) that there will be a window of opportunity to exit before it becomes effective.

I think I am going to be sick.

Hey Norm. Don't let them catch you either.

Yeah Gumby, seem like such a small amt to "save" while giving away billions upon trillions of $.
Holding my breath.
Cuts to Federal Employee Retirement Annuities Proposed in House; Denounced by NARFE
Thanks wv-girl for posting this!!
Its HORRENDOUS to hear about! To think we served our country for so many, hard years!!
As suggested, I think just this being suggested, will cause a massive wave of retirements, within the coming weeks, alone!! :worried:
Then what??
--a moment of silence observed--
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May have to retire earlier than planned. I do hope (if this thing is acted upon) that there will be a window of opportunity to exit before it becomes effective.

I think I am going to be sick.

Hey Norm. Don't let them catch you either.

Yeah Gumby, seem like such a small amt to "save" while giving away billions upon trillions of $.
Holding my breath.
They won't catch me I'm already on the starting blocks!!
Isn't there something we can do to stop this downgrading of Gov't Employee benefits? CROOKS!!:nuts:
Did I vote for this guy, NO!:nuts:

Uh, Norm. check the article again. The proposal was MADE TO "this guy" not BY "this guy". And BTW, it was made by members of the opposing team. Nother thing to notice, included was a proposal to outsize all fulltime union reps (who would of course be anti-the proposal, just like us'ns). :blink:
Especially scary for all of us 1811's (law enforcement) who are mandatory at 57. We already have to wait for 2 1/2 years to draw on TSP without getting hit with huge taxes. Our retirement was the only thing to live on for that time frame (I doubt the SS supplement will still exist in 8 years). Oh, well...I'll leave at 50 or 51 and find another job for 10 years!
I'm thinking same as wv-girl. If this comes about it is one more reason to pull the plug early. I fully expect benefits to be watered down in the coming years. I don't count on ever seeing any social security benefits. The buying power of the TSP account is likely to be eroded away also...if our TSP accounts don't get "nationalized" eventually.

My view is get it while the getting is good. Money in hand is better than IOU's, promises that can be broken, and laws that can be changed to our detriment.

Sock as much away as possible for the lean times. It empowers one to be able to walk out the door on ones own terms, regardless of age or eligibility.

For the right price my services could be available on a consulting/contract basis...I'd even train the new generation of gov't workers (done now as collateral duties).

Lets put reforming government pay to reflect private sector pay on the table also. There is a substantial disparity in my field.

Uh, Norm. check the article again. The proposal was MADE TO "this guy" not BY "this guy". And BTW, it was made by members of the opposing team. Nother thing to notice, included was a proposal to outsize all fulltime union reps (who would of course be anti-the proposal, just like us'ns). :blink:
Yer right, I wasn't aware that freakin' Republicans proposed this trash! Now that we have taken care of the misunderstanding, why not just lower every American's salary by $10 an hour? If the ultimate goal is to allow the USA to compete with Other countries that have a lower standard of living and work for peanuts, let's just get it over and do it. Minimum wage $1 an hour like it was when I was a kid, that would put us on a better completive level with China etc. Look at the Auto workers, it seems they will be making about 15 dollars an hour less to start and lose most of their retirement and health benefits because that's the way congress wants it. The new World Order!:D
It's not about doing what's best for our country. It's about looking our best to other countries. Why else would he tell them he's sorry for our standards and our history and our policies. bHo President of the would in 2012. That's all bHo cared about from the get. Appologizing for our beliefs and way of life is just wrong. How can a guy run the country but yet if he tried to get my job wouldn't pass the background check?
Yer right, I wasn't aware that freakin' Republicans proposed this trash!

Yes, NNuut- that is the the official Republican proposal. Cut federal employees retirement supplement; eliminate official time for Union reps; and change the "High 3" to a "High 5", in order to lower the payout of federal retirement pay.

Previously- two out of three of those were talked about by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as possible ways to save in the past. CBO mentioned the High-Five idea before- but no one took them up on it--until now. (The Union one is brand new this year-republicans came up with that one on their own).

But this is the first time they have actually been proposed by either party. And it is the republican party who is proposing the anti-government worker ideas, not our president.

What part of "republicans=sworn enemy of the common worker" is not yet clear?

P.S.- the title of this thread is incorrect- it's not just CSRS who would be adversely affected- the proposal also applies to FERS employees as well.
I really doubt if BHO will go along with the UNION cuts, he owes them for their help during the election. With the falling dollar, salary and cut's in retirement we are going to be in a big mess. Next private insurance companies will get theirs (not that they don't deserve it) which means that Government workers will be the first to be taken off of their existing Health Plans and put 100% on Medicare/Medicaid. We already are required to enroll in Medicare at 65 years of age or at retirement, and Medicare becomes the primary insurer. This requires Government Workers to continue paying 100% premiums to Private companies and Pay a monthly Medicare premium of about $98. Premiums should be cut to the private insurers if they only cover what Medicare doesn't pay!!! They like to stick it to Government employees first to set an example, we can't do a darn thing about it, our Unions are helpless, No STRIKING ALLOWED!
I'm out or here in 201 days and can't wait to start my new career as a Walmart greeter! :nuts:
... Next private insurance companies will get theirs (not that they don't deserve it) which means that Government workers will be the first to be taken off of their existing Health Plans and put 100% on Medicare/Medicaid....

Don't get me started on that topic.

For the record- an insurance company has never delivered a single lick of "Health Care".

Doctors, nurses, hospitals, doctor's offices DELIVER health care.

Insurance companies only take your money, provide a layer of overhead cost, and then redistribute your money to other people. But there are so many different calculations on how they do it, it takes armies and armies of people to figure out, and all those armies of intermediaries substract from the money available to actually DELIVER health care.

More DELIVERY- and a lot less overhead.

That's the "reform" we need.
Don't get me started on that topic.

For the record- an insurance company has never delivered a single lick of "Health Care".

Doctors, nurses, hospitals, doctor's offices DELIVER health care.

Insurance companies only take your money, provide a layer of overhead cost, and then redistribute your money to other people. But there are so many different calculations on how they do it, it takes armies and armies of people to figure out, and all those armies of intermediaries substract from the money available to actually DELIVER health care.

More DELIVERY- and a lot less overhead.

That's the "reform" we need.

Now that's one thing we agree on!!!!! That and the inflated cost of health care, due all the freebies they have to eat and for some strange reason a tendency to over charge!! $15 dollars 3 times for a Tylenol you didn't even receive etc!! $140,000 for Back Surgery, $750,000 for cancer treatment!:eek:
Bend over, this will hurt me more than it does you $$$$$$$$ Crooks!!:nuts: doctor.gif
That's it! Time for this retirement eligible 49 y/o LEO to go on 12/31.

The whole thing is making me feel a little sick. Good thing I have 1400 hrs of sick leave (not that I'm going to get anything for it)

Think I'll go ahead & start taking the life expectancy payments out of TSP to boot (since it won't be long before they start messing with the G-fund to bail somebody out who failed to plan)

Or maybe I should just withdraw the whole thing, pay the taxes & penalties & buy silver & gold coins!!!
I'm gone Jan 2nd, CSRS, last day is Dec 31st, I can't wait!!
A drink to us Texarkandy!! beerdrinker.gif
the inflated cost of health care, due all the freebies they have to eat and for some strange reason a tendency to over charge!! $15 dollars 3 times for a Tylenol you didn't even receive etc!! $140,000 for Back Surgery, $750,000 for cancer treatment!

That didn't happen when people paid their own bill. When insurance and the government started paying the bill, people stopped caring how much it cost and only wanted all they could get.