I am new to the thread and topic - so, please forgive me if I'm posting the wrong place.
does anyone know of a retirement/financial planning seminar I can set up for my work?
my office is under my ageny's HQ but is not physically located with them. so, we miss out on a lot of traninig provided to those folks. I'd like to set up some kind of retirement/financial training related to the TSP and that is gear for federal employees early in their carreer not just before they are going to walk out the door. If you have any contacts or suggestions; they would be greatly appreciated.
does anyone know of a retirement/financial planning seminar I can set up for my work?
my office is under my ageny's HQ but is not physically located with them. so, we miss out on a lot of traninig provided to those folks. I'd like to set up some kind of retirement/financial training related to the TSP and that is gear for federal employees early in their carreer not just before they are going to walk out the door. If you have any contacts or suggestions; they would be greatly appreciated.