Reply and Edit Box Problems


Staff member
Well, this recent upgrade was only supposed to affect mobile styles, but instead it screwed up my custom style. We will have to use the default style until I can figure out the problem.
Re: Going Down for About an Hour

Well, this upgrade was only supposed to affect mobile stles, but instead it screwed up my custom style. We will have to use the default style until I can figure out the problem.

Just goes to prove no good deed goes unpunished...
Re: Going Down for About an Hour

Not sure if it is this laptop I am using (brother-in-laws) but the icons are missing as well as the text size, etc.
Re: Going Down for About an Hour

I am seeing very strange results myself, in that sometimes I have the icons, and sometimes I don't. It seems to depend on which style I set as the default, even though I am using the "TSP Talk Colors" style each time.

The default style does seem to work. The "TSP Talk Colors" is "iffy".

To change your style, see the drop down menu near the bottom left of the main forum page. You may need to hit ctrl-F5 to get the new style to show.

Please keep me posted if you see anything strange in the reply or edit boxes. Thanks!
Re: Going Down for About an Hour

I'm using "TSP Talk Colors" and it has been working again - for now. :blink:
The "Home" tab takes me to the Forum. As does the "Forum" tab. The only way to get home from the forum is to click the banner at the top of the page. No biggie. Just FYI.
The "Home" tab takes me to the Forum. As does the "Forum" tab. The only way to get home from the forum is to click the banner at the top of the page. No biggie. Just FYI.
When you are in the forums section, the "home" tab is for the forum home. I think what you are asking is why is it not TSPTalk home which you stated is the TSPTalk pic in the corner. It does seem redundant to have two buttons to return you to the same place though, maybe Tom can shed light on the reason.
The "Home" tab takes me to the Forum. As does the "Forum" tab. The only way to get home from the forum is to click the banner at the top of the page. No biggie. Just FYI.
Thanks. I was playing some new options a couple of days ago and forgot to set this back. Should be back to "normal" now (home page)
Hi Tom,

In the upper left of the Forum page, where it says "Top 15 Stats", I used to be able to change it to top 20, 30, 50, whatever. That option is no longer available. Just an FYI.

Sorry to keep posting technical issues here. If you have a suggestion for a better place, please let me know.

Thanks for your hard work with this very valuable site!

For what it's worth- i can select the top 5/15/50/etc just fine in firefox. The option is still there for me.
In the upper left of the Forum page, where it says "Top 15 Stats", I used to be able to change it to top 20, 30, 50, whatever. That option is no longer available. Just an FYI.
I remember that option as well, and I see what James sees, but it looks like it resets to 15 again after you you go back to the main forum page. I don't see how to change it (except to change the default for everyone). I'll do some hunting for an answer.
Works for me if I click "top 15 stats" and then "view more".

You're right. It does work - it has just turned white for me. So when I click the link, it opens two apparently blank white boxes. But just now, when I rolled my cursor over the white boxes, the "view more" came up. So, no sweat.
Thanks guyz.