Regular Contributions


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:?How can I tell what day my regular bi-weekly TSP contributions take effect and at what share price the purchas was at? Is the purchase on the day my pay is direct deposited into my bank account or on the pay date shown on the stubb?

Where can I go to find out what the share price was on my previous regular bi-weekly contributions were in past years?
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This informationis listed on your quarterly participant statment out on the TSP website.

The date and Share Price or contribution are listed. For this past quarter, Apr 01, 2005 - Jun 30, 2005, the contributions were:






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It is precisely to AVOID giving TSP any discretion as to when to invest your biweekly contributions and at what price, you MUST always channel your biweekly contributions to the G fund. You can always select when and where you want to distribute these contributions later on without TSP's help. I for one am not comfortable in letting TSP decide whethermy money goes in to what fund the Monday or Tuesday BEFOREIamactually paid. I noticed in the past that TSP was not always mindful of my benefit intiming theentry points butthen why should they? It is not their money.
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One of the primary advantages of an automatic dollar cost averaging program is you leave your purchasing destiny up to fate. The TSP doesn't care to be responsible for timing the purchases - sometimes you hit the highs and at other times you hit the lows- but over time fate can be very efficient and cost effective. Why make a simple plan difficult - save your energy until the day arrives when you have enough accumulation in the account to make offensive moves to grow your balance. There are many different strategies available and being lazy like me is only one approach.