Recession help: Pro-create or contraception?

Our good folks that have an illegitimacy rate of 70% don't want contraception which is obvious. They prefer the lifestyle of welfare on the backs of their children. Contraception has always been available for free through most public health departments - social engineering has never worked. Reduce the incentives and perhaps the illegitimacy rate will drop - word travels fast and knees clench together.
The same would be true of illegal immigrants having "anchor babies" in the U.S... Eliminate citizenship by birth and the welfare system might start to recover!
Ha, the foreigners will be in rebellion so fast....if you aren't Japanese and don't speak Japanese, you'll never make it. And the Japanese won't take them. Even the decendents of Koreans forcibly brought to Japan during the War are not seen as citizens, and they were born in Japan. White = Tourist, Other East Asian = Not us, and well anything besides that I really think I I'd have to say something not very diplomatic, as I suspect some Japanese wouldn't even think of them as human (The equivalent of space aliens at best, and I think you would know at worst).

I can dream can't I?:D
Ha, the foreigners will be in rebellion so fast....if you aren't Japanese and don't speak Japanese, you'll never make it. And the Japanese won't take them. Even the decendents of Koreans forcibly brought to Japan during the War are not seen as citizens, and they were born in Japan. White = Tourist, Other East Asian = Not us, and well anything besides that I really think I I'd have to say something not very diplomatic, as I suspect some Japanese wouldn't even think of them as human (The equivalent of space aliens at best, and I think you would know at worst).
Japan needs people. USA have too much illegal immigrants.

Lets strike a deal with Japan, where we deport our illegals to them for free. Japan's low birth rate would be fixed in 9 months. The benefits to our cities and it's citizens will be unimaginable.

Then in a few years, when Japanese people call customer service, they'll have to dial one for Japanese.
Japan has never had a high population, doesn't accept foreign-born citizens into its population, and similar to the other loser of WWII, Germany, is missing a generation of children due to the shortage of men at a certain age.

Contraception and abortion are not issues in Japan, what is unaccepable is having a child and then not taking care of it. So an "irresponsible" parent will be ostrasized for fathering or bearing a child they couldn't take care of. It's a completely different approach to the issues. So it would be more likely in Japan that parents would have no children, only one child, or two (three is uncommon), as contraception (and abortions) are seen as your civic duty to avoid having more children than you can care for. This view is also due to a history of a fifty or more percent death rate for babies under the age of one, death was considered so heartbreaking and common that a child was not named until they reached the age of one, and a child's age was counted starting at age 1, not at birth.

So beware using Japan's policy as a benchmark to compare to U.S. policy. The intrenched population and the whole approach to the issue of "procreation" is completely different than that of the U.S.
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Yeah and they do the same things with newborns, If they are born premature but are below a certain weight and length, they just let them die and then they don't count to the countries birth mortality rate. A lot of countries do that, that's why our mortality rate is so high, because, currently we fight, the keep all newborns alive, regardless of how premature. That's a dirty little secret some folks in this country use to beat our medical system over the head with, but they just omit how the other countries define a live birth.

I've talked to several folks in the UK regarding their socialized medicine and the UK is going to triaging old folks to see if it would be beneficial for them to receive further treatment to keep them alive or whether it would save the governent money to just let them die. Cost/Benefit analysis and the government decides what a humans life is worth. They have socialized medicine and this is going on right now. Don't think this will happen here? Just wait.

Our good folks that have an illegitimacy rate of 70% don't want contraception which is obvious. They prefer the lifestyle of welfare on the backs of their children. Contraception has always been available for free through most public health departments - social engineering has never worked. Reduce the incentives and perhaps the illegitimacy rate will drop - word travels fast and knees clench together.


Staff member
Workers urged: Go home and multiply
Japan in the midst of an unprecedented recession, so corporations are being asked to work toward fixing another major problem: the country's low birthrate.

Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."