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Market lows and fluctuationsseem to be SOP preceding national elections, sayeth PBS business/money talking heads. So a bumpy ride is not an aberrations and we will survive.
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What do people think about this? After we know the outcome of the election, that will give the market some certainty so you can count on some kind of bounce after the election. So, pick the low point you want to enter stocks before the election, stay the course and profit after the election.
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Timer wrote:
What do people think about this? After we know the outcome of the election, that will give the market some certainty so you can count on some kind of bounce after the election. So, pick the low point you want to enter stocks before the election, stay the course and profit after the election.
Typically the election year rally starts in July/August and yes, after the election is another rally.



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Well, I'm gittin' that ole "GET THE HELL OUT" feeling again, But it seems to be the reason I've been losing my butt for the last5 months. Dosen't look good! Any encouragement? Think I need a new system? This one is makin'me CRAZY! Can't make money in this kind of weather!:#:{
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nnuut wrote:
Well, I'm gittin' that ole "GET THE HELL OUT" feeling again, But it seems to be the reason I've been losing my butt for the last5 months. Dosen't look good! Any encouragement? Think I need a new system? This one is makin'me CRAZY! Can't make money in this kind of weather!:#:{

if this is any help? I Transfered everything out of G and F fund today and 100% vested in stocks 100% 20C, 60% S and and 30% I This is the weeding out of the of the weak hearted! Now it time for HARD BALL!

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I'm getting that "bail out" feeling too. But this is what keeps me going- I simply cannot bail out of a fund that I have lost on, because once I do I will miss out on a rally and gaining back my losses then some! That's just Murphy's Law.;)

I just can't stand the thought of missing out... so that's what keeps me going.:^

It's all "on paper" folks, so stick with your guns until you gain back your losses, then you can chill out in "G" for a while if you so please to do so.

I'm still currently 30%C 50%S 20%I.

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Just a reminder, back on April 30th I got a "buy" signal for the S fund so I went 100% S at $12.78 per share. I didn't get a "sell" signal till June 25th. I "sold" my shares then at $13.07 for a 2.27% gain. Almost 2 months of sitting on my a** picking my nose! Sometimes it takes awhile, sometimes it doesn't. In March I bought and sold the S fund in 7 days, for a 4.35% gain!

Just hang tough folks...............:*
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It's going to be another TERRIBLE day with the latest job growth report.

Hang on folks... we're in for yetanother whirlwind of a ride!:?

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Y'know, it might be prudent to look at this based your personal predictionsas towhat partywill be elected. That's what the big dogs are doin. Pensionand largefundshave investedbased on the current financial landscape in office. How, if, or whento change if the administration does has millions riding on it.The closer we get to the Cinderella moment,there'll bealot ofgyrations. Yeah, it'sgambling--but America doesn't go out of business.
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The only good I see from this is that the overbought/oversold indicators are finally oversold. Traders and investors that hadtheir stops in place just below the May lows were taken out so we are getting another capitulation type sell off. I can see a bounce by the end of the day.I honestly don't know why things are so weak. The jobs report (good or bad) has been the bottom in the March and May lows.

I still say hang tough and let's think about it a bit more before we do anything. If you want to get out of the market, at least wait for an inevitible bounce.
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GTO ------ I've been in and gotta stay. Might have been a better idea to wait until after Tuesday to get in?:%
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OK, I refuse to become upset any further over the market. It's only money "on paper", and it's bound to bounce back sooner or later.

So, in the interim, I'm staying the course until I see GREEN.;)
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It's tough to deal with losses like this. In the short term you realize you could have done things much diffrently. But when you look at the larger picture this is a minor set back. I have not thought this one through completely yet. In late Julywhen I got a bit nervous and bailed, we had a big rally. So it is tough to do anything but hang tough in times like this. The market is very oversold and we will get a bounce sooner than later. But now that we hit new lows we may have to consider what that means for the intermediate term (Next 3 to 6 months) where I had been very bullish. Like I said I will think about it and decide how I will approach this next few weeks.