Question on viewing threads

My preference for viewing threads is to have the oldest post appear first.

My computer at work is set that way. My problem is my at home computer somehow has threads appearing first post first. I can't seem to find the way to set the preference. I may have fumbled with some settings but don't seem to get it right.

Any suggestions or help?? Thanks.

After my post, I continued to dig and found that option. I will try it when I get home.. Thanks for the help. If I have a problem , I'll ask again.

Thank Much..

There are four options under "User CP", "Edit Options:"

"What are the various thread display options?

When viewing a thread, you will be able to view the thread from a choice of four modes.
  1. Linear Mode (Oldest First) - In this mode, posts are displayed chronologically from oldest to newest. Posts are shown in a flat mode so that many posts can be viewed simultaneously.
  2. Linear Mode (Newest First) - This is the same as the above mode, except that posts are ordered in an opposite way (newest first).
  3. Threaded Mode - In this mode, a tree is shown along with every post. This tree allows you to see the relationship each post has to others, in terms of who responded to whom. Only one post is shown at a time.
  4. Hybrid Mode - This mode is a mixture of the linear and threaded modes. The post tree is displayed like in the threaded mode, but multiple posts are displayed simultaneously like in the linear modes."
If you are logging in with the same username at work and at home, I'm surprised the way you see the threads is different. You might try logging out and clearing your cookies. (?)

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Thanks Jay.. Clearing cookies and resetting the correct preference seemed to resolve my problem.

Another fine example of a great group. Gotta love it!
