Question about possible changes in FERS contribution?


New member
Hello everybody. I currently work for the border patrol and on Jan 1, 2013 I will have 4.5 years on the job. Before the border patrol I worked for the U.S dept of justice for 2.5 years but I had a break in service of about 5 months in between the two jobs. Both jobs had the same 12d FERS retirement. My current HR people are clueless as to whether the new law takes into account the total amount of federal service of 6 years on 1/1/13 or just the current 4.5 years of service I have with the border patrol. Does anyone know for sure whether I'm going to be losing a lot of money on 1/1/13 or will I be spared in this latest assault on our jobs?
Hello everybody. I currently work for the border patrol and on Jan 1, 2013 I will have 4.5 years on the job. Before the border patrol I worked for the U.S dept of justice for 2.5 years but I had a break in service of about 5 months in between the two jobs. Both jobs had the same 12d FERS retirement. My current HR people are clueless as to whether the new law takes into account the total amount of federal service of 6 years on 1/1/13 or just the current 4.5 years of service I have with the border patrol. Does anyone know for sure whether I'm going to be losing a lot of money on 1/1/13 or will I be spared in this latest assault on our jobs?

You know that is a very good question? Personally, I think the new FERS contributions applies to new FEDs hired or rehired on or after 1/1/13. As you are already a Fed, you should be good. That's my opinion.

Have you tried posting your question on one of the blogs at Federal Times or Fed Smith? They tend to have staffers who are well informed on Federal pay and benefits. Or even with OPM?

Congress approves hike to new feds' pension contribution -
Does anyone know for sure whether I'm going to be losing a lot of money on 1/1/13 or will I be spared in this latest assault on our jobs?

You are already hired- you are unaffected, unless you QUIT before 2013, have less than five years of service, and then go back to work for the feds.

Those who are currently employed are not affected.

For complete answers, you can call the Congressional Office of the Representative who did that. He is Rep. Dave Camp, (R-MI-4).

[h=3]Washington D.C. Office:[/h] 341 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-3561

Call his congressional office and ask his staffer yourself. And don't forget to thank him for his support of federal employees.

So my break in service will not hurt me. Thanks. Im trying to buy a house this spring but that would go on hold if I was going to take the hit. Thanks again and I will call that rep you listed and thank him for his support. I will also call all of my reps and let them know how I feel about them all voting against me and my family and the thousands of federal employees and families they support in their district.
Re: d

This seems to go right along with a Progressive point of view to me. Why should one group, that are represented by a union and the US government have more pay and benefits the than private sector? Isn't this a Share the Wealth thing? It doesn't sound very good when it effects you does it?