pop ups with warnings or redirects


Well-known member
Has anyone noticed any strange behavior when logging in to the site?

Maybe my lap top has picked up a STD (syberspace transmitted disease). Yeah I know it's spelled wrong but CTD just doesn't sound right.

Tom, I e-mailed you.

PO -

I sent this via email as well, but in case anyone else is experiencing this...

I don’t think anything we are doing should bring up a pop-up… that I am aware of. I use Google’s Adsense and the ads you see would be geared toward whatever they are snooping in your cookies, etc., so your ads will be different than everyone else’s – but I don’t know why you would see a pop-up.

The security breach looks like an ad that is faking a breach. In other words, it’s not a security problem, but an annoying ad. But how it is generating, I don’t know. You might want to Google the URL in the pop up ad and see what others are saying about it. I will do the same.

Keep me posted.
I logged on during lunch with my tablet and it said your website had an invalid cert (or something to this effect) but I clicked "continue" and afterwards I didn't have any other notices.
i get the same pop up sometimes on my samsung galaxy s3 running jelly bean. it is not an adware or virus popup, but an internal software catch that determines something is querying my system. i take that as a sign my software is working and just click through. it's tsptalk after all, and i don't think tom is trying to corrupt my system. i do the same on various porn sites from time to time too and have yet to catch the web drip. although sometimes i get ads for korean mail order brides, but they only want me to sponsor travel fees and a work visa, and i don't have access to and can't afford either one of those anyways so i just call it even.

sometimes people worry too much.
i get the same pop up sometimes on my samsung galaxy s3 running jelly bean. it is not an adware or virus popup, but an internal software catch that determines something is querying my system. i take that as a sign my software is working and just click through. it's tsptalk after all, and i don't think tom is trying to corrupt my system. i do the same on various porn sites from time to time too and have yet to catch the web drip. although sometimes i get ads for korean mail order brides, but they only want me to sponsor travel fees and a work visa, and i don't have access to and can't afford either one of those anyways so i just call it even.

sometimes people worry too much.
What are you drinking? I want some no matter what it is! drinking%20all%20the%20time.gif :laugh:
PO -

I sent this via email as well, but in case anyone else is experiencing this...

I don’t think anything we are doing should bring up a pop-up… that I am aware of. I use Google’s Adsense and the ads you see would be geared toward whatever they are snooping in your cookies, etc., so your ads will be different than everyone else’s – but I don’t know why you would see a pop-up.

The security breach looks like an ad that is faking a breach. In other words, it’s not a security problem, but an annoying ad. But how it is generating, I don’t know. You might want to Google the URL in the pop up ad and see what others are saying about it. I will do the same.

Keep me posted.

I believe my problem was software that was installed while getting something else. That will teach me to pay more attention to those check boxes.

All is good now.

Hmmm... What is the godaddy stuff? Does godaddy do security checks on your PC, or is this a godaddy spam of some kind? I don't use godaddy for anything.
We use digicert for our SSL Secure server in our premium area, but I'm curious if in your URL for the forum you are using "http://" or with the "s" as "https://"?

The secure issue would usually only show if you are using the https. There are some instructions on how to turn it off on this page...

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error

... but again, I am curious is you get this message if you are using just "http".

Hmmm... What is the godaddy stuff? Does godaddy do security checks on your PC, or is this a godaddy spam of some kind? I don't use godaddy for anything.

We use digicert for our SSL Secure server in our premium area, but I'm curious if in your URL for the forum you are using "http://" or with the "s" as "https://"?

The secure issue would usually only show if you are using the https. There are some instructions on how to turn it off on this page...

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error

... but again, I am curious is you get this message if you are using just "http".


Using http with galaxy note 8 tablet and boat browser mini

Using desktop for user agent

Just for the record I've never been to GoDaddy (that I know of) and this issue (for me) is of no concern. As a Comm guy I point these things when I see them, I can't help it, it's built into me. If it helps the website that's great, I just point them out to Tom and let him decide if it is of any consequence.