Polarbear's Account Talk


I am new to the TSPTalk forum. I have attached a Word .doc file with graphs describing how I managed my TSP account from April 11 to July 1. I call this snaking or pumping. I got to the point of risk exhaustion, so at that point I jumped out. Staying in with S would have produced more gains. That's OK. Patience pays off.
Decide if it's for you.


To summarize, all moves 100%, I got into the S Fund on April 11, then when the window of opportunity presented itself I switched over to the I Fund, and then back and so on until I got out July 1 with a net profit of +9.7% while the S Fund itself was up by 1.66% and the I Fund itself was up by 0.70%. The attachment tells the story with graphs. The only graph missing is for what came before day 1 (which, btw, should have been day 0, a la Tom, who got it right). Glad to be in the G Fund right now, so glad, whew. Thanks to nasa1974 and RealMoneyIssues for their welcome.