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I was in a quandary until the tsp showed the history of the funds. I could not figure out which fund I wanted. Again I was in the S fund and the I fund went ahead and then the S fund went ahead and then the I fund went ahead. When the history came online I put the numbers of the share prices in an excel program, IF ANYONE WANTS MY PROGRAM ON EXCEL, JUST CLICK ON MY EMAIL AND LET ME KNOW AND I WILL SEND IT TO YOU WITH BETTER RATIONAL.
I was just using the S and I fund, now I am using the F, C, S, and I fund to calculate the point differentials of the funds.
I will hopefully show everyone a little more clearly. When I use the differential in a 80 to 120 range, I multiplied the differential by 100, easier to look at then .80 - 1.20.
[align=center]S Fund to C fund and back again and forgot to watch the F Fund[/align]
[align=center]S Fund above 110, C Fund below 95 First move was a nervous move[/align]
Jan 14 Feb 4 Feb 17 Feb 23 Mar 1
S-12.91 S-12.69 S-13.26 S-12.86 S-13.32 C-11.85 C-11.81 C-12.09 C-11.98 C-12.14 _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ Dif 106 Dif 88 Dif 112 Dif 88 Dif 118 ND 107 ND 90 ND 112 ND 90 ND 120 CT (S to C) CT (C to S) CT (S to C) CT (C to S) CT (S to C)
[align=center]Dif = Differential ND = Next Day CT = Change to[/align]
[align=center]I did not look what effect the change in Dif had to the Funds and what the F Fund did at the same time until to late, but now I am.[/align]
If you notice when I changed from the S to the C the market lost share price when you changed back to the S the market gained share price
with the F Fund when you changed to C the F Fund gained or lost very little making you more money if you had changed to the F Fund instead of the C Fund
[align=center]OVERALL VIEW[/align]
When S Fund is above a Differential of over 310 of the F Fund move to the F Fund when the F Fund has a differential of 290 to the S Fund move to the S Fund
I use the C Fund only as a guide and since early December the I Fund has not come back to the S Fund so I have not worked out a point differential for the I Fund, looking under 15 and over 35 to the S Fund.
Hopes this makes a little sense.
Tom, to answer your ? about history, the tsp only shows daily back till June 1, 2003. When the tsp showed this tracking, I started my calculations. Have been trying different formula’s since.
Frizz B.
To Dave:
When you use your excel account you have a starting point where all your Funds have exactly the same cash value which is equal to your tsp account. Then you divide your $$ by the share price of each fund. That will give you your shares for each account. When you make your transaction you will notice your shares will increase hopefully and you will have to adjust each accordingly with the shares for each.
You still keep a record of your starting point with the shares and each payday you will add to that account and your new account as well. Then what you have in your new account will be divided by the share you have in your starting account.
Example: Start with $100000 in each account starting with my Jan 15 transaction.
Jan 15 $100,000/12.93=7734 & $100,000/11.86=8432 Feb 5 C- 11.84*8432=$99835 S-12.74*7734=$98531 Take $99835/12.74=7836 S shares increase of 102 S SHARES Feb 18 S-13.21*7836=$103514 C-12.09*8432=$101943 Take $103514/12.09=8562 C Shares increase of 130 C Shares Feb 24 C-11.96*8562=$102,402 S-12.86*7836=$100,771 Take $102,402/12.86=7963 S shares increase of 194 S SHARES Mar 2 S-13.27*7963=$105,669 C-12.27*8562=$103,343 Take $105,669/12.27=8755 C Shares increase of 193 C Shares
[align=center]My Increase for the Year to Date Would be for March 2[/align]
My Portfolio = $105,669/7734 beginning shares=13.66
Original S Fund = Shares 7734*13.27 = $102,630 My % = 13.66-12.74 (Starting share price for C) = .92 .92 / 12.74 = 7.22 % increase since Jan 15, 2003
[align=center]IF I HAD ONLY DONE [/align]
[align=center]MORE CALCULATIONS EARLIER[/align]
[align=center]S FUND TO F FUND[/align]
Jan 15 $100,000/12.93=7734 & $100,000/10.12=9881 Feb 5 F-10.06*9881=$99403 S-12.74*7734=$98531 Take $99403/12.74=7802 S shares increase of 68 S SHARES Feb 18 S-13.21*7802=$103064 F-10.14*10164=$100193 Take $103064/10.14=10164 F Shares increase of 283 F Shares Feb 24 F-10.16*10164=$103,266 S-12.86*7802=$100,334 Take $103,266/12.86=8030 S shares increase of 228 S SHARES Mar 2 S-13.27*8030=$106,558 F-10.16*10164=$103,266 Take$106,558/10.16=10487 F Shares increase of 324 C Shares
My Portfolio = $106,558/7734 beginning shares=13.77
Original S Fund = Shares 7734*13.27 = $102,630 My % = 13.77-12.74 (Starting share price for C) = 1.03 1.03 / 12.74 = 8.08 % increase since Jan 15, 2003
[align=center]My Increase for the Year to Date Would be for March 2[/align]
My Portfolio = $105,669/7734 beginning shares=13.66 Original S Fund = Shares 7734*13.27 = $102,630 My % = 13.66-12.74 (Starting share price for C) = .92 .92 / 12.74 = 7.22 % increase since Jan 15, 2003