Other Investing


I want to start looking into investing into something outside the TSP. I have about 8% of my base pay going into the tsp with my agency matching 5% of my base pay. I want to start investing outside the TSP. I will continue to invest in the TSP with at least 5 percent so to get the full matching from my agency. Any suggestions as i'm completely over my head with this.
Any suggestions as i'm completely over my head with this.

Then go a for an Index Fund right away. Try Vanguard or T Rowe Price. Read as much as you can while your money grows within that Index based Mutual Fund. Dollar cost average on a regularly scheduled basis. Don't go jumping into stocks right away like Jim Cramer preaches. With an Index Fund, it's going to be boring at first, but boring works pretty good in investing.
Any suggestions as i'm completely over my head with this.

My question would be "why" you want to invest outside of TSP? TSP has all of the major asset classes and the lowest costs of any mutual fund or ETF available, anywhere. If you just want to construct a retirement portfolio, TSP is hard to beat.

Once you know why you want to invest outside of TSP, what kind of investor you are, e.g. active, passive, or stock picker, and the level of risk you're prepared to accept, I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions.:cheesy: