On Allocation Record


Noticed something very interesting this morning while checking the Tracker Sys's Allocation Record: Looks like a lot of our allocations went to the wrong column, as 8 of them went to the L2040 and that's a fund I have never used (could this be a sign that I should consider??) :D
In any event, checked others that I know have never used that fund and they also have allocations under L2040. Check it out!!!
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Cormaga's 34 account talk

On Allocation Record
Noticed something very interesting this morning while checking the Tracker Sys's Allocation Record: Looks like a lot of our allocations went to the wrong column, as 8 of them went to the L2040 and that's a fund I have never used (could this be a sign that I should consider??) :D
In any event, checked others that I know have never used that fund and they also have allocations under L2040. Check it out!!!
Last edited by CorMaGa34 : Today at 02:07 PM. Reason: I s/have used my acct name but didn't, blame it still on closeout!