Ole Foggies warning never retire!! ya may disapear off the face of the earth mentaly.


New member
Heed the warning tsp'ers, if your a reatreater don't even think about it!
Don't make same mistake I made retire at mid to late 70's for several reasons.
First all uncertainty bout social security,and economy collapse housing collapse that's one thing.
Most upmost of importance is 24/7 retreater avoiding the masses for lines inconvenience parking traffic.
Having not one solitary thing you must do of any real importance, except getting letter from I.R.S. stating you owe tax.
Phone you can throw that out too if you had little family few aquaintances during 33 years of work guarantee your phone wont ring.
Doorbell solicitors will be only ones ringing it.
If you have a lawn you can watch it die.
When your wife or girlfriend realize your part of the furniture, they'll always find an excuse not to be around.
Vocabulary will decrease as you forget words and don't talk enough to remember them.
Muscles all want to ache back, arm, toe ect.
Your new friends will become things not humans toilet, sink, water glass, refrigerator, toaster oven ect.
The only connection to the outside world you will have is windows your P.C. and T.V.
Hermits, penny pinchers, reatreaters get by pretty good as long as you can drive to a workplace for 8 hours retire and your whole existence shrinks to a millimeter of non existing.
Choice is your you've been forwarned
What's a reatreater?
Retreater is a person usually a man that reaches the age and sees women as persons that will have a strong bond w/ their kids, daughters, ex husband, neighbors , ect.
Maybe the man feels like he just aint goning to ever be # 1 in womans life cause its usualy the woman who puts everyone in front of their relationship its a reason why especially after certain age men and women never do find tight one on one equal relationship
A man may feel isolated by groups of go niners dribble types pevasive all around us
Now they may also avoid lines, crowds traffic ect. ok while working but problematic in retirement.
I think im too deep for this site and this crowd is the go niners crowd jus gi me some buds and cases its all good uh not really worth sharing of my phyillisofical mind. I make look around for another site. May be my last post so celebrate celebrate gi me sum buds mon !!!
Olefoggie, thanks for the explanation. Don't give up on retirement it can get better with the right attitude. I retired from the PO also, and haven't regretted it!! Give yourself sometime to adjust to your free state, make the first move to meet new people and make new friends. Sh!t happens...set a time frame to grieve your losses and then take the first step to a new life. You're free, brother, time to fly. Best of luck. Aloha
[Well konkathy thank you for the positive uplifting letter, hell may be worth it to stay on this site just for a response like yours really nice response
thank you a little less foggie

QUOTE=konakathy;585312]Olefoggie, thanks for the explanation. Don't give up on retirement it can get better with the right attitude. I retired from the PO also, and haven't regretted it!! Give yourself sometime to adjust to your free state, make the first move to meet new people and make new friends. Sh!t happens...set a time frame to grieve your losses and then take the first step to a new life. You're free, brother, time to fly. Best of luck. Aloha[/QUOTE]