OK, Who's Doing All the Trading?


Staff member
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[align=left]From the TSP.gov site this morning

The nightly processing cycle has run longer than expected due to processing high volumes of transactions from the previous business day. As a result, the Account Balance information has not yet been refreshed. The updated data will be available later today. [/align]

[align=left]Was that from our recent move to the G fund?:shock: I hope their system can handle these transactions. I'd hate to see them put limits on us again.[/align]
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haha, You're a mover and a shaker, Tom!

I wondered about that, the active trading of TSP funds and would they be peeved about it enough to put the kibosh on it.

What limits did they impose? Should we be mindful of it at all or is it a dead issue since this is an old topic? :)

(I have this inane habit of drawing attention to myself in spite of my efforts to the contrary.)
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According to Mike Causey, relatively few people are making regular transfers. So I think we are OK for now. I couldn't even imagine going back to once a month with a two week minimum advance notice.

For any new TSP folks out there, we used to have to have our transfers input by the 15th of each month for it to be effective the 1st of the following month. If you decided to move on the 16th, you had to wait six weeks for it to be effective. That was sad.
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tsptalk wrote:
For any new TSP folks out there, we used to have to have our transfers input by the 15th of each month for it to be effective the 1st of the following month. If you decided to move on the 16th, you had to wait six weeks for it to be effective. That was sad.
heyaha, I remember that and it seemed like my transfers took 4-8 weeks regardless; I ended up being in the exact opposite funds in which I intended. So, I allocated for the next six months or so and left it alone. The new system was a pleasant surprise and was a boon for my TSP returns.

Now to get those share prices to automatically download into Quicken... :D