Oil, Employment, Interest Rate Hike expected.


New member
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Hello all, I am new at this and am very interested in learning more.
Thanks Coolhand for getting me interested.

Oil prices fall again below $49
Employment report is due out Friday, what can we expect?
Given the holidays are approaching, and hiring typically increases, as well as the significant spending (@ $3B) for the halloween period, does anybody see any indicators?
Finally, The Fed meets next wednesday and a 1/2 % rate hike is expected. Any directions to move into or indicators?
I moved yesterday C-40, S-40, I-20. Looking to decide what is next?

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Whats important about these reports is how it differs from what the "analysts" expect. For instance, the interest rate hike. 1/4 pt expected. Rarely will Greenspan surprise anyone, therefore its already built into the market.

What will matter is what they say about the future. The market looks out at least 6 months. It plans way ahead. Thats why we're in a rally now. They are figuring out what another 4 years of Bush will mean.

You've got to watch the trends also. You can't fight the market. Just go with the flow. Thats why most people here will talk about resistance levels, moving averages etc.

Also a little luck never hurts!:^
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Luck, is always a player. no real science to follow without some luck on your side. Thanks. I appreciate your comments.
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I think oil prices dropping has done wonders...I think the market was flat waiting on the election too....but somebody once said you could line all the economists up, end to end, and they still wouldn't reach the same conclusion. Go figure...lol

But I'm new too, so I kind of watch everyone else's advice and go from there. :^
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Your right about that. It'll be a cold day... before you see any of them agree. Thanks for the input and commentary.