NRG Funds


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Montana wrote:
Rolo, what do you think about "Energy" mutual funds? Is it too late or is there still money to be made in the right fund. I own some T.Rowe Funds and they have a fairly moderate energy fund I'm thinking about sinking some bucks in. (PRNEX) It did 30% last year and is leading my portfolio tracker of over50 funds this year. There's no redemption fee, so is easy to get back out of if the world turns to poop. Thanks for any insight you might have.
hahaha GMTA!!! I was just asking myself earlier today if I want to add more $ to my energy/real asset funds. Tomorrow, I am changing the g/f's old 403(b) to include one. Currently I have PSPFX, RSNRX, QRACX. I dunno whatdahell happened to QRACX in December, only a portion of that steep drop can be attributed to distributions. It's in the g/f's Roth and we're stuck with Oppenheimer for a while. (they suck, BTW). RSNRX and PRNEX appear about identical. PSPFX had a nice jump. They both are in my IRA and I was contemplating which one to fund.

I say yes, soooo...what's a good buy point? heh. I got that and furniture to buy. Yes, I am furnishing my house around market timing. :)

I am thinking these real asset/energy funds, international funds, and value funds, in that order, are the allocation to have for a while. Bonds suck, so where else is there to go? Emerging markets and utilities perhaps..?
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I Think we're on the same page. Utilities are on my mind also. I expect this year to be a Roller Coaster for the market as a hole, so Sector Funds might beone of ourbest bet's for getting higher than average returns in our personal accounts. I'm sitting 70% on the sidelines in safe haven funds and cash rightnow, waiting for a more positive sign for market direction(100% G in TSP since last Friday).I'm waiting till the last couple days of Feb. before jumping back in, depending on what happens tween now and then. I have more faith inMarch. Later Tater
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Did a little research on the Energy funds you mentioned andincluded mine(prnex) and also a Vanguard fund in the mix. I haven't had a good experience with Vanguard but their fund looks pretty good.I see what you mean about qracx. If thats not a dividend or gains payout, it sure took a dive. Do you know of any charts that compensate for dividend payouts? Expenses on several of thefunds are a little higher than I like to pay and a couple are midcaps which make me a little nervous. Thanks for your response. Gives me something to think about. Click on the link below for a chart comparison.

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FSESX looks like a good one.

The second large drop in QRACX is the dividend payout; I am assuming since the capital gains payouts were large, ~15%. This was two days after that first drop. Needless to say, I was going WTF!?!? for a while until the capital gains showed up. I don't know of any charts that show this for funds and I don't think all funds do it that way.

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Phone? Peeeeople? huh?

I hate dealing with either. All electronic here.

BTW, the AIM fund is NTF with USAA, the Fidelitys and Vanguards have transaction fees.

OH CRAP! The AIM fund has a 2% redemption fee. DISREGARD. I mayjust put more in PSPFX, which has a 0.25% redemption fee.