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Hello all. I have been invested in the TSP for about 18 months now. Since starting the funds I was fortunate enough to have found this forum and have paid close attention to all the advice given. I am one of your "uniformed members" so as I am sure you can imagine I try to manage what little money I make carefully. Another thing I have done is get on my preverbial soapbox and preach to the members of my squadron about letting all there money sit in the G-fund (they do it because that's where it starts from day one and than just treat it like a savings account)it is very frustrating. I have made a couple of converts and some of the only advice I push on them is to use this site for advice. More often than not I don't have the time to do any research on my own so I tend to count on you all and try go from there. So far so good. I would like to say thanks to TSPTOM and everyone else. You all provide a valuable service to someone such as myself.
OK enough rambling (I tend to do that). Currnetly I am 70% G, 15% C, and 15% S. I was "smart" enough to gamble that our country would be smart enough to elect our President outright last week and was fully invested in the C,S, and I funds for the nice gains. Really unsure on what to do for the rest of the week with the interest hike expected raise and the fact that no changes can be made on Thursday. So I think I will stay with my current allocation and be satisfied with my profits from last week. Any cooments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again all. :^
One last thing Tom, perhaps a spell check option would take some of the posting stress off some of us (well, me anyway)
Hello all. I have been invested in the TSP for about 18 months now. Since starting the funds I was fortunate enough to have found this forum and have paid close attention to all the advice given. I am one of your "uniformed members" so as I am sure you can imagine I try to manage what little money I make carefully. Another thing I have done is get on my preverbial soapbox and preach to the members of my squadron about letting all there money sit in the G-fund (they do it because that's where it starts from day one and than just treat it like a savings account)it is very frustrating. I have made a couple of converts and some of the only advice I push on them is to use this site for advice. More often than not I don't have the time to do any research on my own so I tend to count on you all and try go from there. So far so good. I would like to say thanks to TSPTOM and everyone else. You all provide a valuable service to someone such as myself.
OK enough rambling (I tend to do that). Currnetly I am 70% G, 15% C, and 15% S. I was "smart" enough to gamble that our country would be smart enough to elect our President outright last week and was fully invested in the C,S, and I funds for the nice gains. Really unsure on what to do for the rest of the week with the interest hike expected raise and the fact that no changes can be made on Thursday. So I think I will stay with my current allocation and be satisfied with my profits from last week. Any cooments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again all. :^
One last thing Tom, perhaps a spell check option would take some of the posting stress off some of us (well, me anyway)