New "TSP Tips" Page


Staff member
I have been hoping to add more TSP information to the site that was not related to managing the funds. We now have a new "TSP Tips" page that will be updated weekly.

Our message board friend, SystemTrader (John) will be authoring these new articles. You can find it here ...

Comments and suggestions welcome - including the type of information you'd want to read about.

Thanks, Tom.

I'd like to add a couple of other things:

(1) By law, I shouldn't give personalized investment advice here. So if you have a specific question about your situation ("Should I get a TSP loan if I have XXX dollars in my TSP and a YYY dollar mortgage on my house") I won't be able to answer it.

(2) As one of the media outlets like to say, "I'll just report" on here. I'll try to summarize and hopefully simplify TSP issues strictly based on information from and other financial websites. I'm sure other folks have more first-hand experience and knowledge about things like TSP loans, annuities, payouts, etc. I welcome them to chime in and add tips in this comment folder as well.


tsptalk said:
I have been hoping to add more TSP information to the site that was not related to managing the funds. We now have a new "TSP Tips" page that will be updated weekly.

Our message board friend, SystemTrader (John) will be authoring these new articles. You can find it here ...

Comments and suggestions welcome - including the type of information you'd want to read about.

Systemtrader, one question. What happened to that paysite you were gonna start with your trading system? Didn't work out so now you're gonna have pay you for "TSP Tips". Interesting..........
BTW Tom, I'm a little confused about what TSP information there is that is "not" related to managing our funds. Isn't that what TSP is for, managing our funds? Could you please let us know what we might find here that we can't find elsewhere on TSPtalk.

Nope, it's already out there. I'm just tweaking a few pages on it before I start advertising via Google ads. All of my trades since mid-September have been based on it. (If you look in my folder around September, there's a post saying that I'd made a few changes to my system. I've been happy with the results since.)

And if you don't mind, I'd like to be tracked (without the allocations being made public) just like Rev Shark. As far as I know, we'll be the only two TSP pay sites who are tracked by a third party.

Now, for the record, the TSP Tip articles won't have anything to do with my system or recommended allocations. In fact, I'd rather not discuss my site/system in this folder any more. My "Allocation Talk" folder is a better place for that.


mlk_man said:
Systemtrader, one question. What happened to that paysite you were gonna start with your trading system? Didn't work out so now you're gonna have pay you for "TSP Tips". Interesting..........
SystemTrader said:
And if you don't mind, I'd like to be tracked (without the allocations being made public) just like Rev Shark. As far as I know, we'll be the only two TSP pay sites who are tracked by a third party.

If you'd like me to track you without posting your moves, I'm for hire................:rolleyes:
mlk -

I get a dozen or more emails daily from people who ask me questions like:

- How much can I borrow from my account?
- How do I change my beneficiary?
- Can I get new PIN
- When I can I start withdrawing?

I haven't offered this type of information before so it sounds like what the people want. With the Google search feature on the home page, perhaps one day they will find the info themselves on our site.


mlk_man said:
BTW Tom, I'm a little confused about what TSP information there is that is "not" related to managing our funds. Isn't that what TSP is for, managing our funds? Could you please let us know what we might find here that we can't find elsewhere on TSPtalk.

Gotta love that "FAQ" page on

Maybe you could start one here. I'm sure you're still going to get a lot of those for awhile with the "TSP tips" page only being updated once a week.