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What day of the month does G-Fund reinvest its earnings?
Unless I am misunderstanding your question, the simple answer is every business day. G fund is invested in special, short-term US Treasury Securities.

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At the end of each business day, after the stock and bond markets have closed, the daily earnings for each investment fund, minus administrative expenses, transaction costs, and investment management fees, are divided by the total number of shares in that fund to determine the incremental change in the share price for that day.

The daily share price for any fund may be the same as, higher than, or lower than the share price for the previous day, depending on whether there was a net gain or loss in that fund for the day. The daily earnings for each investment fund in your account are reflected in the daily change in the share price for each fund. For each day, the earnings for each investment fund equal the change in the share price times the number of shares in that fund at the beginning of that day.

Your daily account balance provided on this Web site and the ThriftLine represents the current value of your account, including all earnings and other transactions - such as contributions, loan payments, withdrawals, loans, and interfund transfers - which have been processed as of the close of business on the previous business day.