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Interesting deal. I had a friend whose ex took half a few years ago, and had it spent in less than a year. :)
Thanks for the welcome. For the record, I get 90% of the FERS, she gets 90% of the TSP. So I'll be shooting for very substantial growth!
Best of luck jeffb, it's possible to save a bunch in 7 years. She took 1/2 right, you can make that up I'm sure. :D
Welcome jeffb! Sorry to hear about the 50% loss coming up in your account. Good luck building it back up!
Well good luck your definately at the right place. I convinced my wife to start an ira of her own so hopefully if something happens to us i wont come out to bad.
Thanks. We were together a long time and it's a fair split. I'm just going to be more aggressive in my investments than I would have been at this stage.
Hey jeff welcome to the board. I am sorry to hear about your ex getting into your retirement. I had a buddy with 17 years federal service and his wife left without word. Came back 3 months later with a lawyer asking for a divorse and half his retirement.


New member
I've been looking in for a while but just signed up this week.

In the next few months my (soon to be) ex is going to receive the bulk of my TSP, so I'll need to work hard to build it back up before I retire in 7 yrs or so. For now I'm focused on ways to get my TSP data into Quicken so I can track and manage my investments more wisely (see post in Links & Resources). I look forward to learning from this site how to be a more active investor and get the most out the plan.