New member introduction

Good Luck in DC and this board.

I've been gov't 6 years as a civilian with TSP + <9 Active AF (no TSP):suspicious:, and now in the AF Reserve, which means I get to have 2 TSP accounts....yippee!.

I'm glad I'm on this site...It helps me a lot! I'm sure it will help you too!

But add something if you are in the know!!!!!:cool:

Thanks all. I will probably take time to soak in as much information as possible. I don't have much knowledge of finance, etc. But, hopefully, I'll be able to contribute eventually.

I think the first thing I'll look into is using DCA with my TSP. I am not totally convinced I want to use that strategy... perhaps I'll mix strategies until I get a better feel for returns.

What ever strategy you decide on, it MUST be a strategy that accepts
good days and bad days and the one YOU feel most comfortable with. ;)
You have a lot of time to absorb major down swings in the market. The
L-Funds may be something you'd like to become more familar with, If you
haven't done so already. ;)
Thanks all. I will probably take time to soak in as much information as possible. I don't have much knowledge of finance, etc. But, hopefully, I'll be able to contribute eventually.

I think the first thing I'll look into is using DCA with my TSP. I am not totally convinced I want to use that strategy... perhaps I'll mix strategies until I get a better feel for returns.
Welcome to our forums. You can join our Automated Tracker once you have 10 posts. Read the Automated Tracker Rules in my signature. Click Members Ranking to see the current return rankings of our members.
Welcome to the Board new member from Jersey who lives in DC ! :)
I too am from Jersey. Camden County actually. You just started
working for the Gov't and found this place quickly ! GOOD FOR YOU !
I wish I had was that smart 18 years ago ! Listen, there's a lot to
read on this Message Board, a lot to learn and a lot of good people
to help you along the way. Good Luck and be careful in DC. After all,
I hear there's ,,,,,,shhhhhhhh,,,,,, Politicians and lawyers in that area! :nuts:
Hello, everyone! I just recently started working for the government, and just had my first 5% put into my tsp account.

I am living in DC, although the city is new to me. I am originally from Jersey, which is only about 5 tolls, and 5 traffic jams away. (Sometimes it feels like you pay to get stuck in traffic).

I am in forecasting... which, actually, has nothing to do with the weather.

From what I am 'hearing' in the forums it is a good time to start out. What would be your Short/Long term plans if you just started putting money into your account?