Need Help Finding Data


Staff member
I'm looking for historical volume data for major indexes. Does anyone have a link?

Thanks for the links. I don't really see where the volume data is on those sites. Maybe you have to be a subscriber to get that type of info (trading volume on indexes).
It helps ifn you put on your glasses!......:notrust:...... :D

Thanks for the links. I don't really see where the volume data is on those sites. Maybe you have to be a subscriber to get that type of info (trading volume on indexes).
Doesn't look like the old quotes show volume...

Historical Quote For: SPX

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Closing Price: 1,268.12
Open: 1,262.79
High: 1,268.19
Low: 1262.5
Volume: n/a

the java charts @ show the volume in the chart as you mouse over each day...probably not what you had in mind tho, i.e. data dump into excel?
I would like to setup an excel app to accept historical data. Does anyone know where I can get any idea on the setup? Also did the dump from prophet. net work?

Thanks! Looks like I made the request about 2 1/2 years ago - Unfortunately, I can't remember why. Ain't it great getting old? :D