Been putting the idea of beginning my own account discussion off for while. Now that im getting to know you guys I've decided to try to stop hijacking others threads and start me own.......mostly to add some holiday humor around this place :cheesy:
I'll start with Dec 1st. Blindly jumped into the I fund regardless of my own intuition and instincts. Mainly out of influence and being humbled that most of you are way more knowledgeable than myself. I wanted to wait for a good buy-in price and instead realized I got in on a bull-setup....nowhere near what I should have done. Called tsp to see if it could still be canceled....& blamed it on the wife lol.
Figured out the solution while falling asleep. IFT'd 100% from I, into S. S doesnt show the same bull setup....and just prayed the I will rally before COB
So far so good.
Last time i did this mistake (going against instinct) I lost a little (compared to most of you.
Individual account is now growing. Im throwing at least $100 per check into it. Was supposed to be short term, now its looking a bit longer.
Up to 3 shares LMT, 1 BA, and 23 C.
I blew my 2 IFT's for the month, so im hoping EFA will continue to drop right into January. Then I'll pounce.....when comfortable.
I'll start with Dec 1st. Blindly jumped into the I fund regardless of my own intuition and instincts. Mainly out of influence and being humbled that most of you are way more knowledgeable than myself. I wanted to wait for a good buy-in price and instead realized I got in on a bull-setup....nowhere near what I should have done. Called tsp to see if it could still be canceled....& blamed it on the wife lol.
Figured out the solution while falling asleep. IFT'd 100% from I, into S. S doesnt show the same bull setup....and just prayed the I will rally before COB
So far so good.
Last time i did this mistake (going against instinct) I lost a little (compared to most of you.
Individual account is now growing. Im throwing at least $100 per check into it. Was supposed to be short term, now its looking a bit longer.
Up to 3 shares LMT, 1 BA, and 23 C.
I blew my 2 IFT's for the month, so im hoping EFA will continue to drop right into January. Then I'll pounce.....when comfortable.