Nate's Account Talk


Been putting the idea of beginning my own account discussion off for while. Now that im getting to know you guys I've decided to try to stop hijacking others threads and start me own.......mostly to add some holiday humor around this place :cheesy:

I'll start with Dec 1st. Blindly jumped into the I fund regardless of my own intuition and instincts. Mainly out of influence and being humbled that most of you are way more knowledgeable than myself. I wanted to wait for a good buy-in price and instead realized I got in on a bull-setup....nowhere near what I should have done. Called tsp to see if it could still be canceled....& blamed it on the wife lol.
Figured out the solution while falling asleep. IFT'd 100% from I, into S. S doesnt show the same bull setup....and just prayed the I will rally before COB :D
So far so good.
Last time i did this mistake (going against instinct) I lost a little (compared to most of you.

Individual account is now growing. Im throwing at least $100 per check into it. Was supposed to be short term, now its looking a bit longer.
Up to 3 shares LMT, 1 BA, and 23 C.
I blew my 2 IFT's for the month, so im hoping EFA will continue to drop right into January. Then I'll pounce.....when comfortable.
Re: Nates account talk

It's good to learn via mistakes while you are young - because later when you have more on the plate the loss can be very painful.
Re: Nates account talk

Now that im getting to know you guys..

Nate - you feel like you're Blood -- and I don't know why.

..but somehow you feel more like family to me than just a friend.

The good part of that is you could never get higher than family - ever.

The bad part is --- you feel younger -- so I might feel more inclined to give you a dutch rub once in awhile ......

...anyway... I'm super sensitive about military stuff .... sorry man ...and even though I've probably said a million things that may have bothered a huge population... you said something earlier that I probably took wrong...

...You said something about fighting in Iraq -- so I just want to stress a few things. You are fighting in Iraq (and this may be your second or third tour) - because YOU made a decision to serve your country at a time when the 'Call was enormous' - but yet you stood up to it and you're there because you have what it takes to demonstrate the kind of honor and commitment and intergrity that makes you who and what you are.

..There may be a 'federal job' open for you when you do return or for when you ETS -- but that's the last thing you should get your mind wrapped up in -- really. It's who and what you are that gets you ahead in life -- so live your life in such a way that you stand out -- that all can see the dedication and devotion you have -- and YOU will excell.

Trust in yourself -- trust in your future -- and have confidence and faith.

Love ya man

Re: Nates account talk

Well I appreciate the kind words...uh...uncle steady. I may feel young to you, but im starting to feel old to me lol. 36 this January. I can relate to the sensitivity about military stuff. Im only like 2-3 months back from deployment, and still trying to focus & adapt. (My unit doesnt help much either.) Wasnt trying to offend anyone except maybe a politician.
Re: Nates account talk

Well good news for me today. My 1 day in the I fund today made up for losses last month. Now to see what the S fund offers me the rest of this month.
I also found a decent Oil fund for my individual account. United States Oil Fund LP (USO) Just waiting for the pullback ;)

Those IFTs can be priceless. They are one of the most expensive and most valuable tools you have in your toolchest.

Be carefull with bailout IFTs. You can still bail out assets into the 'G Fund'. And, you don't have to do it in a big dump. But, once you do you will kill your opportunity to make money in December.

Anyway, check up on the '<1%' technique. You need some assets in your target funds to use that strategy though. FuturesTrader makes the best use of them that I have found.

Re: Nates account talk

Im only like 2-3 months back from deployment, and still trying to focus & adapt. (My unit doesnt help much either.)

Your unit is pretty much your life man -- and that's how it should be -- so it's actually harder (or the harderst now) since you're still in.

Yeah, it's weird cause you and them reinforce each other - to stay in a state of readiness and what you lived through goes deeper than most realize. You can't go through something like that without it going deep and honestly making you a totally different person -- but one that's a trillion times more geared for 'action' and being super alert - ready to respond.

It's probably best to just kind of picture it more like 'guard duty' -- and you recently came off your shift -- so try to relax and be cool -- until it's time to go back out.

When it's all over -- you and your unit will have more bonds than anyone or anything else you'll ever know. So try to be a good sounding board but try not to overload each other...

Have a great weekend man -- this is honestly something that makes you a very solid man in many ways -- you'll stand out in the years to come

We may flame each other in here on occasion and definately have a divergence of opinions but it IMHO is mostly poking fun at each other.
We may flame each other in here on occasion and definately have a divergence of opinions but it IMHO is mostly poking fun at each other.

I totally agree with that -- and Nate you didn't do anything to bother me at all. If anything you've made such a good impression that I made a point of stopping by to visit -

-- sometimes all of us catch a moment where things are 'distorted' and it is totally 'innocent' ... next day I can't even remember ... because in the deepest sincereity ... it had nothing to do with you...

If I say anything remotely of concern .... please take it with a grain of salt

If I say anything that hits home in a good way -- then take it to heart
And Nate don't be overly disappointed if you drop a few coins along the investing road - it's all part of the game. Money is like the tides - it rolls in and sometimes it rolls out. But generally it will return with the right strategy.
Salt is still legal here in Washington, but hearts are up for review this year.
I wanted to reply last night, but took the wife on a WAYYY over-due dinner date....then we got silly with Jack Daniels :D
I usually dont discuss politics or religion with anyone unless its a mature conversation. Openly blurting personal political views on a forum was kinda out-of-character and uncalled for, although felt good to vent.
When the "bubble" (that didnt exist) popped, I thought with good leadership, the recession shouldnt last over appx 3 years before a turning point. I was optimistic.
Trying to not go too far off topic....I was a federal contractor for 7 years (pre-post 911). After 911, I turned down a federal supervisor position to try self employment. Economy hit the crapper 3 years later. Instead of going backwards in life (to my old job) I used my knowledge gained, and joined the Military to gain an edge for federal employment afterwards. So far things have been looking good.
Now..the wierd off-topic part.
Being approached by complete strangers...and being thanked for my service & sacrifice is one of the nicest rewards I've ever experienced in my life. Its surreal.
But.....When someone thanks me by saying "thank you for protecting my freedoms"...while Im humble, smile & say "no problem" ....Its a tough pill to swallow. I see America loosing freedoms the way water can carve through rock over time....little by little.
Uptrend, I know deep down you have to understand why I could feel this frustration coming home. Being SF, you had front row tickets to the "behind the scenes"...what goes on, versus what people hear what is going on.
Im not depressed, or feeling like my time spent was useless...I made a difference, understood the mission, believed in it, and did it to the best of my ability. But its frustrating to come back home and it appears that my own country is being abused & neglected. Makes me miss Regan.
Oh well...once again, im not depressed or feeling remorse. I dont need to see the chaplain :cheesy:. I just needed to explain this, and get it off my chest. Uptrend, I dont know if politically we see eye to eye, but I figured you might be able to relate a little....just feels like I was fighting for somebody elses country... meanwhile, people are fighting to undermine my own.
PS, RE: my unit. When I stated my unit "didnt help", I should have clarified. "My leadership" doesnt help. My unit is great, we just dont get the proper support of good "senior" leadership. Its all irrelevant, MTOE came out & im currently getting new orders cut (among other coworkers) to go to our parent unit. Im being told this is a positive move.
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And Nate don't be overly disappointed if you drop a few coins along the investing road - it's all part of the game. Money is like the tides - it rolls in and sometimes it rolls out. But generally it will return with the right strategy.

Im not really feeling the dissappointment, other than being castrated with these 2 IFT's. Im feeling good that I made up my losses over a 2 day period! Im rooting for you Birch....I want it to all go up so everyone makes out. But that little devil on my shoulder wants it to all pummet so I can buy my base for cheap. :D
For now im just riding the wave!

Those IFTs can be priceless. They are one of the most expensive and most valuable tools you have in your toolchest.

Be carefull with bailout IFTs. You can still bail out assets into the 'G Fund'. And, you don't have to do it in a big dump. But, once you do you will kill your opportunity to make money in December.

Anyway, check up on the '<1%' technique. You need some assets in your target funds to use that strategy though. FuturesTrader makes the best use of them that I have found.


I tried looking up "<1%" and didn't find anything that seemed to make sense. After looking at his interfund transfers I am still confused. Could you point me in the right direction?
But that little devil on my shoulder wants it to all pummet so I can buy my base for cheap. :D For now im just riding the wave!

Nothing devilish about that. You have absolutely the right attitude. You want the market to do what is right for you. Although I enjoy talking to everyone in here If they are 70 YO and 100% equities and the market tanks, Sucks to be them. Just like if you are 21 YO and 100% G when the market sky rockets. It's your money or lack there of. :D

Keep on Keepin on Nate.
I tried looking up "<1%" and didn't find anything that seemed to make sense. After looking at his interfund transfers I am still confused. Could you point me in the right direction?


Here is the main thread: <1% IFT Option

What FutureTrader incorporates is that he places some assets in the L Funds when he bails to the G Fund. That allows him an opportunity to move fractional assets into those five funds as well - and those funds include equity holdings. I think I came up with the idea, but the kudos goes to the chap making money on it. Ahem...:p

It reads complex, but it is rather simple. TSP allows a fractional rebalance to occur in the funds. SqualeBear (who found the <1% strategy:)) figures this loophole is around so that the TSP board can rebalance the L Funds.

So, let us say you are out of IFTs - but with your last trade you put 91% in the G Fund, and 1% in each of the other funds. You are now ready to use SqualeBears '<1%' strategy.

After a week of equity market gains you have an allocation like this:
G: 89.33%
F: 0.82%
C: 1.23%
S: 1.31%
I: 1.17%
LIncome: 1.01%
L2010: 1.07%
L2020: 1.13%
L2030: 1.43%
L2040: 1.51%​
You can now 'rebalance' your allocation to:
G: 83.00%
F: 1.00%
C: 2.00%
S: 2.00%
I: 2.00%
LIncome: 2.00%
L2010: 2.00%
L2020: 2.00%
L2030: 2.00%
L2040: 2.00%​

Next week you are sitting at:
G: 82.54%
F: 0.90%
C: 2.10%
S: 2.05%
I: 2.15%
LIncome: 2.01%
L2010: 2.04%
L2020: 2.06%
L2030: 2.07%
L2040: 2.08%​

You can bump to:
G: 75.00%
F: 1.00%
C: 3.00%
S: 3.00%
I: 3.00%
LIncome: 3.00%
L2010: 3.00%
L2020: 3.00%
L2030: 3.00%
L2040: 3.00%​

You have just increased your exposure by a decent amount in two weeks toward the stock market. And, you can do so quite often - as soon as any fund has a fractional you can 'rebalance' it.

I don't do this as often as FutureTrader because I use Quicken. When TSP changed how they document IFTs it became a pain to make an IFT. Thus, I do this only when I make the cowardly lion mistake:embarrest:
Being approached by complete strangers...and being thanked for my service & sacrifice is one of the nicest rewards I've ever experienced in my life. Its surreal.

Thanks so much for opening your life -- Now I totally understand why you do feel like Family and everything you share confirms it.

It's a lot different for me - in that everything I did in the spirit of service and sacrifice is totally unknown and will stay unknown when I go to the grave. So in many ways I'm like a Vietnam Vet.

I guess I personally turned that into an honor beyond all others so I'm very grateful for the calling and all I accomplished - NOT because of atributes and abilities distinque to me - but because everything was absorbed for the USA -- and knowing I'm greeseing the wheels.

It's who and what you are -- as an individual -- that merits the praise and thanks they give you.

But.....When someone thanks me by saying "thank you for protecting my freedoms"...while Im humble, smile & say "no problem" ....Its a tough pill to swallow.

It's the hardest of all pills to swallow -- to know in real life you and your unit are sacrificing everything possible in the deepest and truest spirit of service -- and comming back to see our country getting flushed down the drain.

I see America loosing freedoms the way water can carve through rock over time....little by little.

In the deepest sincereity -- my kid sister Alevie (Alevin - on the MB) helped me to let this go in the recent past.

I know the magnitude of what you're saying far beyond what most even remotely realize.

I know deep down you have to understand why I could feel this frustration coming home.

I know it with every little shread of my being - but for me it was a million times worse because I had absolutely 'no clue'. I believed all the BS and the TRUTH was hidden.

Being SF, you had front row tickets to the "behind the scenes"...what goes on, versus what people hear what is going on.

YES totally, but in a completely different way. Of course I can't say anything -- but it's way more knowing about things going on here and there that requre covert operations to correct. It's like knowing a cancer seed has taken root and I had to remove it before it got worse.

Im not depressed, or feeling like my time spent was useless...I made a difference, understood the mission, believed in it, and did it to the best of my ability.

AMEN Brother -- my wonderful brother. Me too

But its frustrating to come back home and it appears that my own country is being abused & neglected.

Much more so than you realize -- but I'm finding it is the Corporations and Industries that bear 99.99% of the blame and the Politicians and all others are largely helpless in light of 'reality'.

We need major sweeping changes -- and Politicians with the balls to stand up and force these changes.

I figured you might be able to relate a little....just feels like I was fighting for somebody elses country... meanwhile, people are fighting to undermine my own.

I relate a lot - the more willing you are to dig deep and find The TRUTH the more you find everything you were lead to believe and were convinced was true -- was Media induced to hide the TRUTH.

"My leadership" doesnt help. My unit is great, we just dont get the proper support of good "senior" leadership.

My experience was the opposite - but then again I set the bar and we were totally ONE. But we were more than SF - we were 'it' and we got whatever we needed.
My friend - I think the most important thing you could know is that most other places and most other Governments are far worse than ours.

The Problem - is NOT specifically the Government of the USA and Politicians that have long been in place. Here it's majorly important to realize we still (as a Country) far outdo the others.

We as the USA have much to be grateful for.

No other Country has MORE opportunity to make things right and be a beacon of Light to the rest of the world than the USA. No other Country could more fully Prove the Power of GOD and show the entire world how LIFE should be.

This is way more the time to BELIEVE and make a difference. So don't get too discouraged -- because it's even worse outside of our borders.

Thanks for being who you are.
Gentlemen, when I came home from RVN in July of 1969 I think Woodstock was probably in full swing and I relegated myself to the closet for the next 15 years - it was all I could do to keep my sanity. Ronald Reagan opened the door for me and many others - some even marched in their own parades. There was no pleasant welcome home - only hate. But we all tried to survive the best we could - many vets turned to Alaska to get away from the public stench. I kept my mouth shut and went about getting an education and gainful employment. I've been working blood and guts my whole career - but now I rest.

Allow me to relate an experience I had when I returned from RVN. I secured a night shift working the emergency room at Portsmouth City Hospital in N.H. I used to drive by a high school on the way home and decided one day to stop and see if they would allow me to monitor an advanced math class to help me with my SATs. I was even asked if I could help out a couple of juvenile delinquents. Everything was going fine for about a month when the principal called me to his office and asked me if I was actually a member of SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) trying to create insurrection and a revolution? Stupid ass. Here I was just finished serving my country and not trying to tear it down. They totally freaked me out - but when leaving a young secretary gave me her phone number. The moral of this story is someone good always sees you even if you don't know they are there. Someday I may tell you about the time I got arrested for cashing a $75 unemployment check a week early - that's when the local police got to know me. And the funny stories keep coming.