My allocation


New member
Hi I’m new to stock and tsp, I have a question which might be stupid question I currently have my tsp divided as g fund 80 f fund 10 and c fund 10 is this a smart investment right now?

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It depends which day you ask. :D

Welcome Eve2020. That's actually a question that only you can answer. Are you 20 years old, 40, 60? Are you retiring any time soon, do you have other investments, etc., etc. (rhetorical questions).

Nobody here is probably qualified to completely answer that question, and we all do what we think is best for us. Many of us are trying to time the market and our allocations could change at any time. So it's something you may have to figure out by doing a little homework - or you can always try to follow someone else (see the autotracker or premium services).