Master's Account Talk


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Pretty much I had not been actively doing much with my TSP account, but only with my IRAs. In March '05, I sat with a financial planner and discussed my goals. Pretty much I continue to have close to 100% in stocks but I am much more diversified than before.

After following small and mid caps indices for past 6 months, I thought that the W4500 was overly down than it ought to be and jump into it with 100% IFT in Oct.
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On Thursday, I missed the deadline for my TSP account. I intended to buy I fund. Thus, I then went to another account where I am able to do stuff until 3pm (EST).I did a transferin one of my Fidelity 403(b) accounts. I bought a 54K position from money market to FOSFX (Fidelity Overseas), which kind of tracks the same exposure as the I fund. Today, I was pretty happy camperas it went up 1.28%. :D:^

The reason why I described this transaction is because it will affect my TSP selections as it is veryclose to the I fund. An advantage that we have with TSP is about no direct costs for short-term transactions, whereas the FOSFX has a 30 day short-term trading transaction fee.
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As a family unit, my wife has a Florida Retirement System account where we own AEPGX - American Europacific fund - this allows family diversification, and enables me to consolidate my position in the C fund in TSP. That way I miss the excitement of dealing with the I fund - ain't it fun. Take care.

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I dont think you will have to sell out the International stock within 30 days. We should be seeing 5-10% before the new year. So hold on to it and forget the short term fee.
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Using the TSP method (only IFTs of principal):

10/12 - IFT from 100% G to S

11/3 - IFT from 100% S to G

11/15 - IFT from 100% G to I

11/28 - IFT from 100% I to S

November to date (11/27): 4.79%

October to date (11/27): 8.82%

YTD - 11.84% (assumes the 2.87% for 1/05-9/05)

Jan - Sep'05 (actual): 3.05% - TSP excel 2.87%

The difference is due to the effect of cost dollar averaging of contributions.
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WOW, 8.82% in two months. You really are the master!! However, if all your postings are like your latest, I don't put too much clout in it. In your account you posted that you were moving to S fund today. On your posting in this thread, you said you moved to the S fund yesterday. One or two days here or there makes a big difference.

Good luck,

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If you want to be a true master then consistently post your IFT moves before 12est and lets seehow it plays out.:^
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I started posting since Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 including beforeNOON deadline on:

11/3 - IFT from 100% S to G (ACCURATE)

11/15 - IFT from 100% G to I (ACCURATE)

11/29 - IFT from 100% I to S (CORRECTION)

The October to date, November to date and YTD are to 11/28 not 11/27. I did them late last night, and made the mistake of substracting one day. I used the 11/28 share prices.




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All November moves were posted before noon deadline at my account:

11/3 - IFT from 100% S to G

11/15 - IFT from 100% G to I

11/29 - IFT from 100% I to S

My November '05 = +4.80%

G = 0.36%, F = 0.38%, C = 3.75%, S = 4.72%, I = 2.44%, 20% = 2.33%

Themarketdid all the hard work, I only bested by 0.08%.
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Earlier today, I posted before the noon deadline in my account an IFT from 100% I to 100% G. Although I think that the I-fund is a great fund with an outstanding future, the market broke theresistance level for the first time in several weeks. I think that the I fundwill correct back to about ~17.25in a few days before testing the resistance again.

Thus far:

Since I beingposting in this webforum - Nov. to date: +7.61%

Since I started actively swing-trading my TSP funds reading this webforum: (Oct. to date): 11.75%

My TSP 2005 YTD: +14.85%
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Nice job m. Guess that's why you have all that mana in a little over a month eh?

Mind if I call you "m"? I can't bring myself to call anyone in this world "master". :^

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Haha! It does give the impression one thinks they are superior and appear condescending.
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Gee, I'm still wondering why I have all those mana's....I rather just not have them....we're all on equal footing here.....

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Well, I pulled out too soonmy entireTSP component(19% of my IRAs) from the market.Although I bet shortall of my TSP for today (I sold yesterday as posted), and consequently lost in the nice rally today, I fortunatelyhave over 75% in stock funds with small, midcap, international, and latin america funds.

Despite the noon deadline, TSP allows you to swing in and out of the market with no direct fees, so in a sense, for those of us with IRAs in more restrictive environments, TSP is a valve that allow us to dampen our volatility and risk.
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My TSP is still in S - 100%. My overall IRA has done well (FOSFX, FMCSX, FLATX, FNMIX, VFINX, sold my FSESX). My TSP from time I have been posting here (Nov - to date) is up +7.61% (but no gain since 12/12).
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I discussed earlier that I had invested on FOSFX back onNov. 10. As of yesterday, that fidelity fund was up +10.84%.Having this fund, made me choose S over I when I came back into stocks on Dec. 15. Unfortunately, I lost 10 cents/share (rather than earning 31 cents/share) when I sold yesterday.Ialsosoldyesterday FMCSX andVFINX.However, I keptFOSFX,FLATX, and FNMIX. Notice that those three are international stocks which I believe will do well in 2006.

Overall, this year was pretty good for my YTD TSP, and myIRAs includinga great perfomance of an unfortunately toosmall investment back in March10 '05 of FSESX, whichmade 41.12% over the rest of the year and sold about 10 days ago. I do not expect the earnings in the energy sectorfor 2006 to reach to gainsof 2005, but it will be a solid bet.