Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition
May 6, 2006
Early Edition
May 6, 2006

Yak, Doodles, Tea Leaves & The Tin Box
Kingdom Yak:
Market Yak.............................Euphoria routs Horsemen! Are we overly bullish yet?
Other Yak...............................Lube up 15% from start of year and $5 below record high.
Jester Yak..............................I can't afford to drive to Wal-Mart!
Socks [$SPX] Closed at.............1,325.76, up +15.15, for the week.
Volume (CMF) (money flow)........+0.037, increasing.
Averages (MACD) (trend)...........+5.076, increasing.
Momentum (S-STO) (signal)........84.92, increasing.
Strength (RSI) Overbought/sold...[70] 64.25 [30]
Lube (NYM) Closed at................70.19, dn -1.69, for the week.
Oil Markers..............................<70= ok, 70-75= worry, >75= panic.
Tea Leaves:
Charts & Stuff..........................Yellow (caution).
Tin Box:
Stops [$SPX]...........................Alert: 1312. Trail: 1299
TSP (week ending)......G=11.34..F=10.57..C=14.48..S=18.24..I=20.75
....(1 week past)........G=11.33..F=10.59..C=14.31..S=17.91..I=20.17
....(2 week past)........G=11.32..F=10.58..C=14.31..S=18.02..I=20.04
....(3 week past)........G=11.30..F=10.55..C=14.07..S=17.60..I=19.33
....(4 week past)........G=11.29..F=10.57..C=14.13..S=17.73..I=19.55