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It seemed to be useless and inconsistent. Someone new would write two posts and be higher than a regular poster. I didn't think we needed it.You?
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The mana system didn't work right on either. Several of us asked Aycan about it and, basically, it takes several hundred users to actively use it before it works properly. Useless indeed.
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Tom discontinued it because I wasn't being justly rewarded with the maximum amount. :l
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tsptalk wrote:
Did you write your own board rolo or are you still using Wow?
I junked wowbb a long time ago and switched to phpNuke, which incorporates phpbb. I did write code to import wowbb accounts and posts into phpNuke (Oh yeah, I need to release that to the public, forgot.)

They are all open source freeware with many mods available. I did quite a bit of customising and integrating, too, like an event calendar, photo gallery, how-to, reviews, etc. I haven't touched it in a while, but I am looking forward to tinkering again. I want to try a more streamlined phpbb content management system and want to import TSPtalk's contentto a shadow site and you can let me know what you think.
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Rolo wrote:
I want to try a more streamlined phpbb content management system and want to import TSPtalk's contentto a shadow site and you can let me know what you think.
You'll have to explain that to me later or via email. I'm leaving now andthis thread will likely be lost in the sea of posts when I get back.

I have a bunch of good TSP domain names if you need one :). (I own I've also considered starting IRA if I ever do this full time. Right now it points to TSP Talk as do most of my domain names.
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tsptalk wrote:
It seemed to be useless and inconsistent. Someone new would write two posts and be higher than a regular poster. I didn't think we needed it.You?
No, not at all. I was just curious.:)