LWOP FERS / Active Duty returning to FERS


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I am in the enviable position of being a LWOP Air National Guard Technician FERS employee on a five year ANG Active Duty (AGR) tour. The gospel according to TSP is http://tsp.gov/cgi-bin/byteserver.cgi/forms/oc95-5.pdf . In brief, when I return to my FERS position, I will have the opportunity to make retroactive contributions and get the5% match,as well as make retroactive contribution election (% of pay to contribute, not fund allocation) for any open season that occurred during this period.

Has anyone actually done this? Any suggestions on how to run the numbers so as to maximize my returns during the lean years (2002, 2003) by maybe reducing contributions to 5% (just enough to max the match)? I was at least 80% C through the entire period.

Thanks in advance,


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Hey -

I got hired on with TSA (hold yer laughs until the end), and did catch-up contributions for basic training, armor school, and 1 year deployment. Cost about $1900, and they say it doesn't affect senority, but what the heck. Money for the future...