
Well-known member
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We are almost at a new low for the year in the (I) Fund.

On Jan 20, it was 14.93- the low for the year. That's where we're at now.

Will we hit a new low on Monday? Or are we now cycling back up?

God Bless:^
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I'm staying 100% C fund, but if I had more courage I'd get me some of the I fund right now.
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Rod wrote:
We are almost at a new low for the year in the (I) Fund.

On Jan 20, it was 14.93- the low for the year. That's where we're at now.

Will we hit a new low on Monday? Or are we now cycling back up?

God Bless:^
Rod.. Our lower low should be around 1137. The indicators (charts) look a little bleak. However, the CMF money flow is showing money being invested.

The drop in oil put a dent in related sectors. Plus we have some skiddish sentiment in the market. And we are in a trading range.

If I had to guess. With oil down. I would say that the sentiment factor of a "slowing economy" is depressing the market. Earnings are OK. Rates are rising (measured). Inflation is well OK. So whats the problem??..... Sentiment!

Rgds :? Spaf
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Does your chart tells you how long does this negative sentiment will last?
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pyriel wrote:

Does your chart tells you how long does this negative sentiment will last?
Pyriel.... Boy I wish I had a chart of that! We could retire rich!

That's my weak point, things should be going good (not great), but the market turns sour?

I really thought that oil was the culprit!

Don't know!....... But, I'm not selling low. Will just have to have patience and wait and see!

Rgds :? Spaf
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I notice the I fund was posted as 13.93. Now that would really be a bruise. Of course that is in error.
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Birchtree wrote:

I notice the I fund was posted as 13.93. Now that would really be a bruise. Of course that is in error.
Should have been 14.93! I'm with you. Tired of the bruising! Don't really see a rime or reason for it?

Rgds! :? Spaf
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Spaf wrote:
Rod.. Our lower low should be around 1137.
So, what does that equate to on the share price?

I was referring to the share price, itself- 14.93.
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interesting on 10 day chart look like a strong buy signal. Probably if you got it on friday you will be well on monday.:)will see.
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I think we are hitting new lows on the Market Talk Thread.

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Folks investing in theTSP I funds pozzle me. TSP openly tell you in advance they will manipulate/adjust prices to prevent you benefitting either on up or down days. The shareholder is never provided a decalred dividend based on this scalping of the frquent timer even once a year. The management feeis neverreduced based on the proceeds of this "collection" from"fair pricing". Folks expect fair profit from such fair pricing folks? I will anyday take true market price than deal with some GS10 "adjusting the NAV in my TSP funds. Oh well, different strokes for differnet folks. After all we do let the house win in Las Vegas. But no I fund forme fromTSP and no soup for mefrom the soup Nazi as well!!
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Be careful you are using common sense.

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probably time just close all this tsp bull and get somewhere else, but how to trasfer all this money to some different account. Where you can try options with all this tsp money?
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LastThursday I "had" over a 3.5K gain disappear

Probably on it way to Iraq or to fund the budget deficiet.

Or it is in the Carribean Islands.

Where ever it is not in my account and it should be.

EAFE (the index) was up like .654 that day. I fund pays .00.

:(Bring it up here and get - to bad, so sad. :P

I can not invest like that. G fund, I fund.

All a slush fund for someone or something.
imported post

jimmoris wrote:
probably time just close all this tsp bull and get somewhere else, but how to trasfer all this money to some different account. Where you can try options with all this tsp money?
Oh yeah, welcome to the board.

Love your music in the 70s.

I thought you were in Paris pushing up roses.

Went to your grave last year. What a dump? Do you have a maid?

:P You can not transfer your money until resign or retire or die I guess. :P

You can do that with your ROTH or IRA acccounts thou.

Private accounts will be these funds. GREAT!

A rigged system. Just where I want to be painted into. :shock:
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The I fund would be an excellent mechanism to acquire an asset base over time. Play the dollar cost averaging game with this fund and give up the pistols - stop shooting yourself in the foot. I wouldn't expect any shakes from this fund until Japan can get right with growth - that may unfortunately take a while longer, but intil then accumulate and be prepared for a brighter day ahead. Rgds
