Jobs w/ TSP?


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I am seperating from the military in 5 months and am wondering if anybody knows how I can apply for such a position... I am moving to the New Orleans, LA area which I am pretty sure they are located.

Please inform me of what you may know.

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They're located at the National Finance Center in New Orleans. I've never seen any jobs advertised for TSP, but maybe someone at that location could give you information if you call: 877-968-3778
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You can go to this website to look at job opportunities when there are any:

I'm sure the TSP Data Center is managed by a Contactor, and someone at FTRIB could tell you who that is and how you might contact them.
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Hi Charlie,
It seems that your post referred to another post but if I read it correctly this may help. Blueskys4ever posted a TSP job a little time ago at
Here's a copy of his post.

Posted: Sun Apr 3rd, 2005 12:40 pm
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

Vacancy Announcement Number: TIB-SES-05-02A
Opening Date:
Friday, April 01, 2005
Closing Date:
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Position: Director of Investment Services
Series & Grade: ES-0301-01/
Promotion Potential: 04
Salary: 104,927.00 - 145,600.00 USD Annually
Duty Locations: 1 vacancy - Washington, DC

First Consideration Date is April 15, 2005. After the first consideration date, the cut-off
Additional Duty Location Info


The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is an independent Federal agency in the Executive branch created by the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Act of 1986 (FERSA), Pub. L. No. 99-335, 100 Stat. 514 (codified as amended largely at 5 U.S.C. §§ 8351 and 8401-79) to administer the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The TSP is a retirement savings and investment plan for Federal civilian em-ployees and members of the uniformed services that offer its participants the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under 401(k) plans. Currently, the TSP is the largest defined contribution plan in the world with over 3.4 million participants and assets of over $152 billion.

The TSP enjoys an 87% participation rate, with some agencies participating at 100%.

The TSP is a daily-valued, participant directed, defined contribution plan, which consists of five separate funds invested in: Treasury non-marketable securities (the Government Securities Investment Fund – G Fund), common stocks (the Common Stock Index Fund – C Fund), fixed income securities (the Fixed Income Investment Fund – F Fund), small and mid-sized stocks (the Small Capitalization Stock Index Fund – S Fund), and international stocks (the International Stock Index Investment Fund – I Fund). The G Fund is considered “stable value”, the others are index funds managed by an outside advisor.